Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsGpGraphics Class

The Graphics class provides methods for drawing lines, curves, figures, images, and text. A Graphics object stores attributes of the display device and attributes of the items to be drawn.
Check MSDN documentation here

Name Description
Name Description
Name Type Description
CompositingMode (GpCompositingMode) Gets or sets the composition mode of the graphics object
CompositingQuality (GpCompositingQuality) Gets or sets the composition quality
hGraphics (Long) Gets or sets the a reference to the internal handle
InterpolationMode (GpInterpolationMode) Gets or sets the interpolation mode
isValid (Boolean) Returns True if the internal handle is valid
PageScale (Single) Gets or sets the Page scale
PageUnit (GpUnit) Gets or sets the Page unit
PixelOffsetMode (GpPixelOffsetMode) Gets or sets the Pixel offset mode
SmoothingMode (GpSmoothingMode) Gets or sets the Smoothing mode of this graphics object
Name Type Description
Clear_Color (GpStatus) Clears the graphics with the given color
Clear_RawColor (GpStatus) Clears the graphics with the given ARGB color (use the [clsGpSession] class for conversion functions)
CreateFromHDC (GpStatus) Creates a Graphics object that is associated with a specified device context.
CreateFromHwnd (GpStatus) Creates a Graphics object that is associated with a specified window.
CreateFromImage (GpStatus) Creates a graphics object that is associated with the given image
CreateFromStdPicture (GpStatus) Creates a graphics object that is associated with the given image
CreateHalftonePalette (clsGdiHandle) Creates a halftone palette useful when rendering a bitmap to a low-color device context
Dispose Releases resources useb by this class
DrawArcI (GpStatus) Draws an arc. The arc is part of an ellipse.
DrawBezier (GpStatus) Draws a Bézier spline using single coordinates
DrawBezierI (GpStatus) Draws a Bézier spline using long coordinates
DrawBeziers (GpStatus) Draws a sequence of connected Bézier splines
DrawBeziersI (GpStatus) Draws a sequence of connected Bézier splines
DrawEllipseI (GpStatus) Draws an ellipse
DrawFillRRectI (GpStatus) Draws a round rectangle with the specified curve size
DrawImageI (GpStatus) Draws an image at a specified location
DrawImagePointRectI (GpStatus) Draws an image
DrawImageRectI (GpStatus) Draws an image and optionally scale it
DrawImageRectRectI (GpStatus) Draws an image
DrawLine (GpStatus) Draws a line that connects two points
DrawLineI (GpStatus) Draws a line that connects two points
DrawLines (GpStatus) Draws a sequence of connected lines
DrawLinesI (GpStatus) Draws a sequence of connected lines
DrawPath (GpStatus) Draws the given path with the given pen
DrawPieI (GpStatus) Draws a pie
DrawPixel (GpStatus) Draws a pixel at specified coordinates
DrawPolygonI (GpStatus) Draws a polygon
DrawRectangleI (GpStatus) Draws a rectangle.
FillEllipseI (GpStatus) Uses a brush to fill the interior of an ellipse that is specified by coordinates and dimensions
FillPath (GpStatus) Fills the given path with the given brush
FillPieI (GpStatus) Uses a brush to fill the interior of a pie
FillPolygon (GpStatus) Uses a brush to fill the interior of a polygon created by a pointer to an array of POINTF structs (a struct where x and y are single)
FillPolygon2I (GpStatus) Uses a brush to fill the interior of a polygon created by a pointer to an array of POINTL structs (a struct where x and y are long)
FillRectangleI (GpStatus) Uses a brush to fill the interior of a rectangle
Flush (GpStatus) Flushes GDI+ operations
GetHDC (Long) The GetHDC method gets a handle to the device context associated with this Graphics object (returns a standard GDI handle)
ReleaseHDC (GpStatus) The ReleaseHDC method releases a device context handle obtained by a previous call to the GetHDC method of this Graphics object.
ResetTransform (GpStatus) The ResetTransform method sets the world transformation matrix of this Graphics object to the identity matrix
Restore (GpStatus) The Restore method sets the state of this Graphics object to the state stored by a previous call to the [Save] method of this Graphics object
RotateTransform (GpStatus) The RotateTransform method updates the world transformation matrix of this Graphics object with the product of itself and a rotation matrix.
Save (clsGpGraphicsState) The Save method saves the current state (transformations, clipping region, and quality settings) of this Graphics object. You can restore the state later by calling the [Restore] method
ScaleTransform (GpStatus) The ScaleTransform method updates this Graphics object's world transformation matrix with the product of itself and a scaling matrix
TranslateTransform (GpStatus) Updates this Graphics object's world transformation matrix with the product of itself and a translation matrix.
In this sample we'll draw an Ellipse using a Pen and a Brush and we'll obtain a Picture object
Option Explicit

'Draw a ctlUniImage control on a form before trying this sample

Dim moHexWrapper As New clsCommonWrapper

Private Sub Form_Load()
'This object contains useful GDI Plus conversion functions
Dim oSes As clsGpSession
Set oSes = moHexWrapper.GetGDIPlusSession()

'Create a new bitmap
Dim oBmp As New clsGpBitmap
oBmp.Create ctlUniImageWL1.ClientWidth, ctlUniImageWL1.ClientHeight, PixelFormat32bppARGB

Dim oGr As New clsGpGraphics

'Create the Pen for drawing the ellipse
Dim oP As New clsGpPen
oP.Create1_RawColor oSes.ColorFromRGB(vbRed, 128)

'Create the brush for filling the ellipse
Dim oBr As New clsGpBrush
oBr.CreateHatchBrush_RawColor HatchStyle50Percent, oSes.ColorFromRGB(vbWhite), oSes.ColorFromRGB(vbYellow)

'Create an instance of the Graphics object that contains drawing functions
Set oGr = oBmp.CreateGraphics(, PixelOffsetModeHighQuality, SmoothingModeAntiAlias)

'Fills the ellipse with the brush
oGr.FillEllipseI oBr, 0, 0, oBmp.GetWidth(), oBmp.GetHeight()

'Draws the ellipse border
oGr.DrawEllipseI oP, 0, 0, oBmp.GetWidth(), oBmp.GetHeight()

'Get a Picture object from our GDIPlus bitmap
Dim oPic As StdPicture
Set oPic = oBmp.Picture(vbWhite)

'Set to our UniImage widget
Set ctlUniImageWL1.Picture = oPic

End Sub