Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsGpSession Class

Manages automatically a GDIPlus session; this class is not creatable; use the [clsCommonWrapper.GetGDIPlusSession] for getting the instance and use internal functions

Name Description
GpBrushType Brush types
GpColorChannelFlags Color Channel flags
GpColorMaskComponents Color components
GpColorMode Color mode
GpColors Common GDIPlus color constants
GpColorShiftComponents Shift count and bit mask for A, R, G, B components
GpCombineMode Region Combine Modes
GpCompositingMode Alpha Compositing mode constants
GpCompositingQuality Alpha Compositing quality constants
GpCoordinateSpace Coordinate space identifiers
GpCustomLineCapType Custom Line cap type constants
GpDashCap Dash cap constants
GpDashStyle Dash styles
GpFillMode Fill mode
GpHatchStyle Various Hatch Styles
GpInterpolationMode Interpolation mode
GpLinearGradientMode Linear gradient mode
GpLineCap Line cap constants (only the lowest 8 bits are used).
GpLineJoin Line join constants
GpPenAlignment Pen alignment flags
GpPenType Pen's Fill types
GpPixelOffsetMode Pixel offset mode values
GpQualityMode Quality mode constants
GpSmoothingMode Smooothing mode
GpStatus This represents the return status for every GdiPlus function
GpTextRenderingHint Text rendering hint mode
GpUnit GDI Plus unit
GpWrapMode Various wrap modes for brushes
Name Description
Name Type Description
Name Type Description
ColorFromARGB (Long) Returns a GDI Plus color from ARGB values
ColorFromRGB (Long) Returns a GDI Plus color from a standard VB6 like color
ColorGetAlpha (Long) Returns the transparency value from a given GDI Plus color
ColorSetAlpha (Long) Sets the transparency of a given color
ColorToRGB (Long) Returns a standard GDI color from a GDI Plus color
DrawLineCoords Draws a line at specified coords
DrawRect Draws a rectangle at specified coords
DrawRectCoords Draws a rectangle at specified coords
DrawRRect Draws a round rectangle at specified coords
DrawRRectCoords Draws a round rectangle at specified coords
FadeColors Draw a surface fading two colors
FadeColorsCoords Draw a surface fading two colors
FadeColorsCoordsHdc Draw a surface fading two colors on a specified Device Context
FadeColorsHdc Draw a surface fading two colors on a specified Device Context
StatusToString (String) Returns the status of a GDI Plus call
Supported (Boolean) Returns True if GDIPlus is supported by this system
Check the complete documentation on MSDN