ctlUniGrid ControlAdvanced Unicode grid
Name | Description |
eUniGrid_ColumnAlign | Column alignment constants |
eUniGrid_ColumnType | Column type constants |
Name | Description |
Click | |
DblClick | |
KeyDown | |
KeyPress | |
KeyUp | |
MouseDown | MouseDown event |
MouseMove | MouseMove event |
MouseUp | MouseUp event |
MouseWheel | MouseWheel event |
SelectionChange | Occurs when a new row is selected |
VScroll | |
HScroll | |
ColumnClick | Raised when a column header is being clicked |
OLEStartDrag | |
OLESetData | |
OLEGiveFeedback | |
OLEDragOver | |
OLEDragDrop | |
OLECompleteDrag | |
SortCompareRows | Raised if you chose to sort a column using a custom event |
OnOwnerDrawPicture | Raised before measuring or drawing a cell, permits you to assign a picture to a cell on the fly |
Name | Type | Description |
AllowMultiLineText | (Boolean) | Permits you to use multiline text in grid cells |
BackColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the Background color of the control |
BorderColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the Border color |
CellBackColor | (Long) | Gets or sets the background color of the passed cell |
CellForeColor | (Long) | Gets or sets the text color for the passed cell |
CellHeight | (Long) | Returns the height of the given cell |
CellHorizBorder | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to show the horizontal border of cells |
CellsBorderColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the border color of cells |
CellTag | (Variant) | Gets or sets the tag of the given cell |
CellValue | (Variant) | Gets or sets the cell value of the given row/col |
CellVerticalBorder | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to show vertical border of cells |
Col | (Long) | Gets or sets the current column |
ColAlign | (eUniGrid_ColumnAlign) | Gets or sets the column data alignment (not for the header title) |
ColAllowEmptyNumbers | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to accept blank strings as value for numeric columns |
ColHeaderAlign | (eUniGrid_ColumnAlign) | Gets or sets the column title alignment |
ColKey | (Variant) | Returns the key of the given column |
ColResizable | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to resize a certain column with the mouse |
ColRightToLeft | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the RTL support for the given column |
ColSortable | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to sort the given column (by mouse) |
ColSortWithCustomEvent | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to sort a certain column using a custom event |
ColText | (String) | Gets or sets the title of a certain column |
ColType | (eUniGrid_ColumnType) | Returns the column type |
ColWidth | (Long) | Gets or sets the width of a certain column |
CurrCellBackColor | (Long) | Gets or sets the background color of the given cell on the current row |
CurrCellForeColor | (Long) | Gets or sets the text color for the given cell on the current row |
CurrCellHeight | (Long) | Returns the height of the given cell on the current row |
CurrCellTag | (Variant) | Gets or sets the tag for the given cell on the current row |
CurrCellValue | (Variant) | Gets or sets the value of the cell in the given column on the current row |
Enabled | (Boolean) | Enables or disables the control |
FixedCols | (Integer) | Gets or sets the number of fixed columns, a fixed column never scrolls horizontally |
Font | (Font) | Gets or sets the font used for text in the control, check the [ApplyFontChanges] for details |
ForeColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the text color |
FullRowSelect | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether selecting a column highlights the entire row. |
HeaderBackColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the background color of the header |
HeaderForeColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the text color of the header area |
HeaderStyle | (eCtlButtonStyle) | Gets or sets the style of the header |
HideColumnHeaders | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether or not the control's column headers are hidden |
HScroll | (Object) | Returns a reference to the horizontal scrollbar (in case you want to customize it) |
HScroll_Max | (Long) | Gets the maximum value of the horizontal scrollbar |
HScroll_Value | (Long) | Gets or sets the value of the horizontal scrollbar |
hWnd | (Long) | Returns the usercontrol window handle |
MinRowHeight | (Integer) | Gets or sets the minimum row height |
MouseIcon | (Picture) | Gets or sets the MouseIcon for the control |
MousePointer | (VBRUN.MousePointerConstants) | Gets or sets the MousePointer for the control |
MultiSelect | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to select multiple rows |
OLEDropMode | (eCtlOLEDropMode) | Gets or sets the OleDropMode for the control |
OwnerDrawState | (eOwnerDrawState) | Gets the OwnerDraw status, by checking this flag you can load items (icons or images) only when needed |
Row | (Long) | Gets or sets the current row |
Rows | (Long) | Gets or sets the number of rows in the grid |
RowSel | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the selection of a certain row |
ScrollOnMouseWheel | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to capture the mouse wheel and scroll the view |
SelBackColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the background color of the list item selector |
SelectItemOnRightClick | (Boolean) | Permits the selection of items also when pressing the right mouse button (like the standard control) |
SelectorStyle | (eCtlButtonStyle) | Gets or sets the style of the row selector |
SelForeColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the foreground color of the list item selector |
ShowFocus | (Boolean) | If True, draws the focus rectangle when the control gains the keyboard focus |
StandardScrollBars | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether or not the control uses standard or styled scrollbars |
Striped | (Boolean) | If True, uses a different background color for even and odd rows |
Tip | (String) | Gets or sets the Unicode Tooltip for the control |
VScroll | (Object) | Returns a reference to the vertical scrollbar (in case you want to customize it) |
VScroll_Max | (Long) | Gets the maximum value of the vertical scrollbar |
VScroll_Value | (Long) | Gets or sets the value of the vertical scrollbar |
Name | Type | Description |
AddColumn | Adds a column to the list, at least one column must be added before using the list | |
AddRow | Adds a new row to the grid | |
ApplyFontChanges | When setting a new font on the control you need to call this function in order to refresh the interface | |
BeginUpdate | Permits you to start a long-time update on the control (for example by adding 1000 elements) without sending out many and many events. So it is faster! Use un conjunction with [EndUpdate] |
Clear | Clears the list and optionally the header | |
ColExists | (Boolean) | Checks if a certain column exists |
Cols | (Integer) | Returns the number of columns in the grid |
CountSelected | (Long) | Returns the number of selected items when using MultiSelection |
EndUpdate | Terminates a [BeginUpdate] reactivating the control after a long-time update | |
FocusSelectedRow | Focuses the selected row by scrolling if necessary | |
FormatNumber | (String) | Format a number using a specified format |
GetCellAbsRect | Returns the coordinates of the given cell | |
GetCellPicture | Gets picture information for the given cell | |
GetCellRect | Returns the coordinates of the given cell | |
GetCellRectByCoords | Finds the cell on the given coordinates and returns the cell rectangle | |
GetColByAbsX | (Long) | Returns the column number relative to a certain X coordinate (the X coordinate with the HScroll_Value) |
GetColByX | (Long) | Returns the column number relative to a certain X coordinate (the X coordinate without the HScroll_Value as obtained by the MouseMove, MouseDown and MouseUp events) |
GetColX | (Long) | Returns the absolute X coordinate relative to a certain column number (the X coordinate + the HScroll_Value) |
GetCurrCellPicture | Gets picture information for the cell in the given column on the current row | |
GetRowByAbsY | (Long) | Returns the row number relative to the given Y coordinate (the Y coordinate with the VScroll_Value) |
GetRowByY | (Long) | Returns the row number relative to the given Y coordinate (the Y coordinate without the VScroll_Value as obtained by the MouseMove, MouseDown and MouseUp events) |
GetRowY | (Long) | Returns the absolute Y coordinate of a certain row (the Y coordinate + the VScroll_Value). |
GetVisibleRows | (Integer) | Returns the number of visible rows in the viewport |
IsHeaderCoord | (Boolean) | Returns True if the given y coordinate is used for displaying the header |
IsRowCompletelyVisible | (Boolean) | Checks if the given row is completely visible |
NoUpdate | Terminates a [BeginUpdate] reactivating the control after a long-time update Doesn't refresh the control view |
OLEDrag | Starts an OLEDrag operation | |
Refresh | Redraws the control | |
RemoveColumn | Removes a certain column | |
RemoveRow | Removes the given row | |
SelectAll | Selects all items | |
SelectRange | Selects a range of items | |
SetCellPicture | Sets the picture for the given cell | |
SetColFormat | Sets the formatting options when displaying a Numeric column in the grid | |
SetCurrCellPicture | Sets the picture for the cell in the given column on the current row | |
SortByColum | Sorts the grid on a certain column | |
ViewPortHeight | (Long) | The Viewport height |
ViewPortWidth | (Long) | The Viewport width |
Option Explicit
Private Sub pvLoadRows()
Dim sEl As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim oWrap As New HexUniControls.clsCommonWrapper
Dim sChin As String
Dim sJap As String
Dim sArab As String
sChin = oWrap.HextoStr("0XqYsRYuxO9HalY39PKHVVAG4AaQBjAG8AZABlAA==4F")
sJap = oWrap.HextoStr("0X7DDDMMQwkjB/Tyh1WTCLMFUAbgBpAGMAbwBkAGUAh2VXW5Iw9HalYw==17")
With ctlUniGrid1
.AddColumn , , , "pic"
.AddColumn "First", , , , , , True
.AddColumn "Second", , , "sec", , [UniGrid Align Left], True
.AddColumn "Third", , , , , , True
.AddColumn "Forth - RTL", , , , , , True, , True
.AddColumn "Fifth", , , , , , True
.AddColumn "Boolean", , , "bool", , , True, , , [UniGrid Column Boolean]
.AddColumn "Numeric", , [UniGrid Align Right], "num", , , True, , , [UniGrid Column Numeric]
'Setup the formatting options for the numeric column
.SetColFormat "num", , , , 5, True, True, True
For i = 1 To 500
sEl = "" & vbTab & _
CInt(Rnd * 10) & sChin & vbTab & _
"&" & String(CInt(1 + Rnd * 10), "b") & vbTab & _
CInt(Rnd * 10) & sJap & vbTab & _
CInt(Rnd * 10) & sArab & vbTab & _
String(CInt(1 + Rnd * 30), "y")
.AddRow sEl
.CellValue(i, "bool") = IIf(i Mod 2 = 0, True, False)
.CellValue(i, "num") = Rnd * 5000
If i Mod 5 = 0 Then
.SetCellPicture i, "pic", MDIForm1.ctlImageBag1.GetPicture(eGlobalImgIndex.egii_x)
ElseIf i Mod 7 = 0 Then
.SetCellPicture i, "pic", MDIForm1.ctlImageBag1.GetPicture(eGlobalImgIndex.egii_help), , True
End If
.CellBackColor(1, 2) = vbRed
.CellValue(1, "sec") = "changed using Key"
.Row = 5
.CurrCellValue("sec") = "ppp"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ctlUniButtonImageXP2_Click()
ctlUniGrid1.FixedCols = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub