Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniGrid.AddColumn Method

Adds a column to the list, at least one column must be added before using the list

Public Sub AddColumn (Optional ByRef sText As String = "", _
Optional ByRef iWidth As Long = -1&, _
Optional ByRef iAlign As eUniGrid_ColumnAlign = [UniGrid Align Left], _
Optional ByRef vKey As Variant = "", _
Optional ByRef bResizable As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByRef iHeaderAlign As eUniGrid_ColumnAlign = [UniGrid Align Center], _
Optional ByRef bSortable As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByRef bSortWithCustomEvent As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByRef bRightToLeft As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByRef iType As eUniGrid_ColumnType = [UniGrid Column Text], _
Optional ByRef bAllowEmptyNumbers As Boolean = True)
Parameter Description
Optional ByRef sText As String = "" The column title
Optional ByRef iWidth As Long = -1& The column width
Optional ByRef iAlign As eUniGrid_ColumnAlign = [UniGrid Align Left] The alignment of column cells (not the header)
Optional ByRef vKey As Variant = "" The key of the column; you can use a key when referring to a certain column instead of using an index
Optional ByRef bResizable As Boolean = True Is the column resizable by the user?
Optional ByRef iHeaderAlign As eUniGrid_ColumnAlign = [UniGrid Align Center] The column title alignment
Optional ByRef bSortable As Boolean = False Is this column sortable?
Optional ByRef bSortWithCustomEvent As Boolean = False Raises the [SortCompareRows] event when sorting
Optional ByRef bRightToLeft As Boolean = False True for using RTL support for this column
Optional ByRef iType As eUniGrid_ColumnType = [UniGrid Column Text] The type of column data
Optional ByRef bAllowEmptyNumbers As Boolean = True True for allow the control to use blank when a numeric column is empty (instead of 0)