Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniGrid.OnOwnerDrawPicture Event

Raised before measuring or drawing a cell, permits you to assign a picture to a cell on the fly

Public Event OnOwnerDrawPicture (ByVal ColIndex As Integer,
ByVal ColKey As Variant,
ByVal RowIndex As Long,
ByRef oItemPic As StdPicture,
ByRef iItemPicWidth As Long,
ByRef iItemPicHeight As Long,
ByRef bItemPicTransp As Boolean,
ByRef bItemPicGrayed As Boolean,
ByRef lPicXTransp As Long,
ByRef lPicYTransp As Long,
ByRef lPicTranspColor As Long)
Parameter Description
ByVal ColIndex As Integer (IN) The column index
ByVal ColKey As Variant (IN) The column key
ByVal RowIndex As Long (IN) The row index
ByRef oItemPic As StdPicture (IN/OUT) The picture, you can set a new picture if you want
ByRef iItemPicWidth As Long (IN/OUT) The picture width, useful for permitting to size the control without loading the picture ([eOwnerDrawState.eos_measuring])
ByRef iItemPicHeight As Long (IN/OUT) The picture height, useful for permitting to size the control without loading the picture ([eOwnerDrawState.eos_measuring])
ByRef bItemPicTransp As Boolean (IN/OUT) The picture transparency
ByRef bItemPicGrayed As Boolean (IN/OUT) Do you want a grayscale picture
ByRef lPicXTransp As Long (IN/OUT) The X transparency coordinate
ByRef lPicYTransp As Long (IN/OUT) The Y transparency coordinate
ByRef lPicTranspColor As Long (IN/OUT) The transparent color