You can find some features by watching directly the BNF definition file. it supports: - only simple VB types like string, integer (hexadecimal, octal), float, boolean - global and local variables - functions and subs - operators like +,-,*,/,\,imp,eqv,xor,or,and,not,>=,<=,>,<,<>,=,&,mod,^ with the VB6 precedence order. - the 'if' and 'while' statements - VB functions like 'print', 'msgbox', 'clng', 'cstr', 'inputbox', 'rnd', 'exit' - recursion
Differences from VB6 - operators like +=,-=,*=,/=,++,-- - variable declaration with direct assignment - operators only work with the same types (use conversions functions like clng, cstr to switch types) - parenthesis is always required when calling functions or subs
The language
DC3 language is very similar to VB script; variables have no type and the type is implicit. It recognizes some internal functions: print, msgbox, inputbox, clng, cstr, exit, rnd You can define variables, functions, variables in the order you want and the compiler is not case sensitive.
dim a="",b,c=&h10
You have declared a string variable 'a', a generic variable 'b' and a numeric variable 'c'.
sub message(a) msgbox (a) end sub message ("bye bye!")
this small program shows a message box with the "bye bye!" string.
function sum(a,b) sum=a+b end function msgbox (sum(10,10)+sum(20,20)) msgbox (sum("a","b"))
this program returns 60 -> 10+10+20+20 and "ab" --> "a" + "b"
dim a="hello " msgbox (a+"world")
this sample shows "hello world" on the screen
dim a=10 a++ msgbox (a)
this sample returns 11
sub writenum(n) if n>0 then writenum(n-1) end if print(n) end sub writenum(10)
this program writes 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 to the console using recursion.
dim s s=inputbox ("Write your name") msgbox ("Your name is " + s)
this program writes your name
dim a=0,c=0 while (a<10) c+=a a++ wend msgbox (c)
this program repeats a sum for 10 times returning 45 as result