ctlUniListView ControlRepresents a Windows list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of four different views
Name | Description |
eCtlUniListView_ListArrangeConstants | ListArrange constants |
eCtlUniListView_ListLabelEditConstants | LabelEdit constants |
eCtlUniListView_ListSortOrderConstants | SortOrder constants |
eCtlUniListView_ListViewConstants | View constants |
eCtlUniListView_NotifyConsts | ListView notify consts, Reserved, don't use |
Name | Description |
Click | |
DblClick | |
KeyDown | |
KeyPress | |
KeyUp | |
MouseDown | |
MouseMove | |
MouseUp | |
MouseWheel | |
VScroll | |
HScroll | |
ColumnClick | Raised when a user clicks on a column header |
BeforeLabelEdit | Raised before start the editing of a label, set Cancel=1 to stop the operation |
AfterLabelEdit | Raised after a label editing if the value of the label has been changed |
ItemCheck | Raised then a user clicks on a item checkbox |
ItemClick | Raised when a new item is selected |
SortCompareRows | Raised when the [SortWithCustomEvent] property is True and permits you to sort rows in a custom way |
OLEStartDrag | |
OLESetData | |
OLEGiveFeedback | |
OLEDragOver | |
OLEDragDrop | |
OLECompleteDrag |
Name | Type | Description |
AllowColumnReorder | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether a user can reorder columns in report view PS. NOT WORKING NOW |
Arrange | (eCtlUniListView_ListArrangeConstants) | Returns/sets how the icons in a ListView control's Icon or SmallIcon view are arranged. |
AutoSelectFirstItem | (Boolean) | If True automatically highlights the first item in list if none is selected, default is True |
BackColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the Background color of the control |
BorderColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the Border color |
CellPadding | (Long) | Gets or sets the space between the cell content and the cell border in pixels |
CellsBorderColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the color used to draw gridlines in Report view |
CheckBoxes | (Boolean) | Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the list. |
ColumnHeaderIcons | (Object) | Returns/sets the ImageList or [ctlImageBag] control to be used for ColumnHeader icons |
ColumnHeaders | (clsUniLV_ColumnHeaders) | Returns a reference to a collection of ColumnHeader objects. |
DropHighlight | (clsUniLV_ListItem) | Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color. |
Enabled | (Boolean) | Enables or disables the control |
Font | (Font) | Gets or sets the font used for text in the control, check the [ApplyFontChanges] for details |
ForeColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the Foreground (Text) color for the control |
FullRowSelect | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether selecting a column highlights the entire row. |
GridLines | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether grid lines appear between rows and columns |
HeaderBackColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the background color of the header |
HeaderForeColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the text color used in the header section |
HeaderStyle | (eCtlButtonStyle) | Gets or sets the Header style |
HideColumnHeaders | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether or not a ListView control's column headers are hidden in Report view. |
HideSelection | (Boolean) | Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the ListView loses focus |
HotTracking | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether hot tracking is enabled. PS. NOT WORKING: Works only as HotTracking = False |
HoverSelection | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether hover selection is enabled. PS. NOT WORKING: Works only as HoverSelection = False |
HScroll | (Object) | Returns a reference to the horizontal scrollbar (in case you want to customize it) |
HScroll_Max | (Long) | Gets the maximum value of the horizontal scrollbar |
HScroll_Value | (Long) | Gets or sets the value of the horizontal scrollbar |
hWnd | (Long) | Returns the usercontrol window handle |
Icons | (Object) | Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control. Supports a standard ImageList or a [ctlImageBag] control |
LabelEdit | (eCtlUniListView_ListLabelEditConstants) | Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object. |
LabelWrap | (Boolean) | Returns or sets a value that determines if labels are wrapped when the ListView is in Icon view. |
ListItems | (clsUniLV_ListItems) | Gets or sets the ListItems collection |
MaxIconSize | (Long) | Gets or sets the maximum size of Icons or Pictures used in the control; if a picture is bigger it will be resized every time the control needs to show it |
MinIconSize | (Long) | Gets or sets the minimum size preserved for Icons or Pictures in items |
MouseIcon | (Picture) | Gets or sets the MouseIcon for the control |
MousePointer | (VBRUN.MousePointerConstants) | Gets or sets the MousePointer for the control |
MultiSelect | (Boolean) | Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can make multiple selections in the ListView control and how the multiple selections can be made. |
OLEDropMode | (eCtlOLEDropMode) | Gets or sets the OleDropMode for the control |
ScrollOnMouseWheel | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to capture the mouse wheel and scroll the view |
SelBackColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the background color of the list item selector |
SelectedItem | (clsUniLV_ListItem) | Returns a reference to the current selected item |
SelectItemOnRightClick | (Boolean) | Permits the selection of items also when pressing the right mouse button (like the standard control) |
SelectorStyle | (eCtlButtonStyle) | Gets or sets the style of the row selector |
SelForeColor | (OLE_COLOR) | Gets or sets the foreground color of the list item selector |
ShowFocus | (Boolean) | If True, draws the focus rectangle when the control gains the keyboard focus |
SmallIcons | (Object) | Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control. Supports a standard ImageList or a [ctlImageBag] control |
Sorted | (Boolean) | Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically. |
SortKey | (Variant) | Represents the Column index or key used for sorting |
SortOrder | (eCtlUniListView_ListSortOrderConstants) | Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order. |
SortWithCustomEvent | (Boolean) | Gets or sets the ability to sort the ListView data using the [SortCompareRows] event |
StandardScrollBars | (Boolean) | Returns/sets whether or not the control uses standard or styled scrollbars |
Tip | (String) | Gets or sets the Unicode Tooltip for the control |
View | (eCtlUniListView_ListViewConstants) | Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order. |
VScroll | (Object) | Returns a reference to the vertical scrollbar (in case you want to customize it) |
VScroll_Max | (Long) | Gets the maximum value of the vertical scrollbar |
VScroll_Value | (Long) | Gets or sets the value of the vertical scrollbar |
zPicDragImage | (StdPicture) | Reserved, don't use |
Name | Type | Description |
ApplyFontChanges | When setting a new font on the control you need to call this function in order to refresh the interface | |
BeginUpdate | Permits you to start a long-time update on the control (for example by adding 1000 elements) without sending out many and many events. So it is faster! Use un conjunction with [EndUpdate] |
Clear | Clears the listview removing all items and optionally also the header | |
CountChecked | (Long) | Returns the number of checked items (doesn't depend on the MultiSelection flag) |
CountSelected | (Long) | Returns the number of selected items when using MultiSelection |
EndLabelEdit | Terminates a label edit operation | |
EndUpdate | Terminates a [BeginUpdate] reactivating the control after a long-time update | |
FocusItem | Focuses the given item scrolling it into view | |
FormatNumber | (String) | Formats a number using a specified format |
GetFirstVisible | (clsUniLV_ListItem) | Retrieves a reference of the first item visible in the client area. |
HitTest | (clsUniLV_ListItem) | Returns a reference to the ListItem object or Node object located at the coordinates of x and y. Used with drag and drop operations. |
ItemCompletelyInViewport | (Boolean) | Returns True if the specified item is completely visible in the ViewPort |
ItemVisibleInViewport | (Boolean) | Returns True if the specified item is visible (also partially) in the ViewPort |
NoUpdate | Terminates a [BeginUpdate] reactivating the control after a long-time update Doesn't refresh the control view |
OLEDrag | Starts an OLEDrag operation | |
Refresh | Updates the control view | |
SelectAll | Selects all items | |
SelectRange | Selects a range of items | |
Sort | Sorts the list data using [SortKey] and [SortOrder] properties | |
StartLabelEdit | Begins a label editing operation on a ListItem or Node object. | |
ViewPortHeight | (Long) | The Viewport height |
ViewPortWidth | (Long) | The Viewport width |
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
With ctlUniListView1
.SmallIcons = ImageList1
.Icons = ImageList1
Set .ColumnHeaderIcons = ImageList1
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "aaaa dsadsa dsad sadsa dsads a", , , 1
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "bbbb", , elvca_right
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "ccc", , , pic1.Picture
End With
End Sub
Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
Dim li2 As clsUniLV_ListItem
Dim lsi2 As clsUniLV_ListSubItem
Set li2 = ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add(, , "Text dsadsa dsad sadas dsad sadas dsadsa a", 1, 2)
li2.Checked = True
li2.Bold = True
li2.ForeColor = vbRed
li2.Tip = "qqqqqqq"
Set lsi2 = li2.ListSubItems.Add(, , "second", 1, "Tip")
lsi2.Bold = True
lsi2.ForeColor = vbRed
li2.ListSubItems.Add , , "third", , "Tip"
Set li2 = ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add(, , "aaa")
li2.Tip = "aaaaaa bbbbbbb"
Dim p As StdPicture
Set p = Ctl_LoadPicture("u:\hexagora.png")
Set li2 = ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add(, , , p, p)
End Sub
Private Sub ctlUniListView1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
Dim li As clsUniLV_ListItem
Set li = ctlUniListView1.HitTest(x, y)
If Not li Is Nothing Then
Set ctlUniListView1.SelectedItem = li
Set ctlUniListView1.DragIcon = li.CreateDragImage()
End If
End If
Debug.Print Time & " > " & x & ", " & y
End Sub
Private Sub ctlUniListView1_DragDrop(Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Source Is ctlUniListView1 Then
Dim liIns As clsUniLV_ListItem
Set liIns = ctlUniListView1.SelectedItem
ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Remove liIns.Index
Dim li As clsUniLV_ListItem
Set li = ctlUniListView1.HitTest(x, y, True)
If Not li Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print li.Index
ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add li.Index, liIns.Key, liIns.Text, liIns.Icon, liIns.SmallIcon
ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add , liIns.Key, liIns.Text, liIns.Icon, liIns.SmallIcon
End If
End If
End Sub