Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniListView Control

Represents a Windows list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of four different views
Check common properties here

Name Description
eCtlUniListView_ListArrangeConstants ListArrange constants
eCtlUniListView_ListLabelEditConstants LabelEdit constants
eCtlUniListView_ListSortOrderConstants SortOrder constants
eCtlUniListView_ListViewConstants View constants
eCtlUniListView_NotifyConsts ListView notify consts, Reserved, don't use
Name Description
ColumnClick Raised when a user clicks on a column header
BeforeLabelEdit Raised before start the editing of a label, set Cancel=1 to stop the operation
AfterLabelEdit Raised after a label editing if the value of the label has been changed
ItemCheck Raised then a user clicks on a item checkbox
ItemClick Raised when a new item is selected
SortCompareRows Raised when the [SortWithCustomEvent] property is True and permits you to sort rows in a custom way
Name Type Description
AllowColumnReorder (Boolean) Returns/sets whether a user can reorder columns in report view
Arrange (eCtlUniListView_ListArrangeConstants) Returns/sets how the icons in a ListView control's Icon or SmallIcon view are arranged.
AutoSelectFirstItem (Boolean) If True automatically highlights the first item in list if none is selected, default is True
BackColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Background color of the control
BorderColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Border color
CellPadding (Long) Gets or sets the space between the cell content and the cell border in pixels
CellsBorderColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the color used to draw gridlines in Report view
CheckBoxes (Boolean) Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the list.
ColumnHeaderIcons (Object) Returns/sets the ImageList or [ctlImageBag] control to be used for ColumnHeader icons
ColumnHeaders (clsUniLV_ColumnHeaders) Returns a reference to a collection of ColumnHeader objects.
DropHighlight (clsUniLV_ListItem) Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color.
Enabled (Boolean) Enables or disables the control
Font (Font) Gets or sets the font used for text in the control, check the [ApplyFontChanges] for details
ForeColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Foreground (Text) color for the control
FullRowSelect (Boolean) Returns/sets whether selecting a column highlights the entire row.
GridLines (Boolean) Returns/sets whether grid lines appear between rows and columns
HeaderBackColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the background color of the header
HeaderForeColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the text color used in the header section
HeaderStyle (eCtlButtonStyle) Gets or sets the Header style
HideColumnHeaders (Boolean) Returns/sets whether or not a ListView control's column headers are hidden in Report view.
HideSelection (Boolean) Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the ListView loses focus
HotTracking (Boolean) Returns/sets whether hot tracking is enabled.
PS. NOT WORKING: Works only as HotTracking = False
HoverSelection (Boolean) Returns/sets whether hover selection is enabled.
PS. NOT WORKING: Works only as HoverSelection = False
HScroll (Object) Returns a reference to the horizontal scrollbar (in case you want to customize it)
HScroll_Max (Long) Gets the maximum value of the horizontal scrollbar
HScroll_Value (Long) Gets or sets the value of the horizontal scrollbar
hWnd (Long) Returns the usercontrol window handle
Icons (Object) Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control.
Supports a standard ImageList or a [ctlImageBag] control
LabelEdit (eCtlUniListView_ListLabelEditConstants) Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object.
LabelWrap (Boolean) Returns or sets a value that determines if labels are wrapped when the ListView is in Icon view.
ListItems (clsUniLV_ListItems) Gets or sets the ListItems collection
MaxIconSize (Long) Gets or sets the maximum size of Icons or Pictures used in the control; if a picture is bigger it will be resized every time the control needs to show it
MinIconSize (Long) Gets or sets the minimum size preserved for Icons or Pictures in items
MouseIcon (Picture) Gets or sets the MouseIcon for the control
MousePointer (VBRUN.MousePointerConstants) Gets or sets the MousePointer for the control
MultiSelect (Boolean) Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can make multiple selections in the ListView control and how the multiple selections can be made.
OLEDropMode (eCtlOLEDropMode) Gets or sets the OleDropMode for the control
ScrollOnMouseWheel (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to capture the mouse wheel and scroll the view
SelBackColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the background color of the list item selector
SelectedItem (clsUniLV_ListItem) Returns a reference to the current selected item
SelectItemOnRightClick (Boolean) Permits the selection of items also when pressing the right mouse button (like the standard control)
SelectorStyle (eCtlButtonStyle) Gets or sets the style of the row selector
SelForeColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the foreground color of the list item selector
ShowFocus (Boolean) If True, draws the focus rectangle when the control gains the keyboard focus
SmallIcons (Object) Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control.
Supports a standard ImageList or a [ctlImageBag] control
Sorted (Boolean) Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically.
SortKey (Variant) Represents the Column index or key used for sorting
SortOrder (eCtlUniListView_ListSortOrderConstants) Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order.
SortWithCustomEvent (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to sort the ListView data using the [SortCompareRows] event
StandardScrollBars (Boolean) Returns/sets whether or not the control uses standard or styled scrollbars
Tip (String) Gets or sets the Unicode Tooltip for the control
View (eCtlUniListView_ListViewConstants) Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order.
VScroll (Object) Returns a reference to the vertical scrollbar (in case you want to customize it)
VScroll_Max (Long) Gets the maximum value of the vertical scrollbar
VScroll_Value (Long) Gets or sets the value of the vertical scrollbar
zPicDragImage (StdPicture) Reserved, don't use
Name Type Description
ApplyFontChanges When setting a new font on the control you need to call this function in order to refresh the interface
BeginUpdate Permits you to start a long-time update on the control (for example by adding 1000 elements) without sending out many and many events. So it is faster!
Use un conjunction with [EndUpdate]
Clear Clears the listview removing all items and optionally also the header
CountChecked (Long) Returns the number of checked items (doesn't depend on the MultiSelection flag)
CountSelected (Long) Returns the number of selected items when using MultiSelection
EndLabelEdit Terminates a label edit operation
EndUpdate Terminates a [BeginUpdate] reactivating the control after a long-time update
FocusItem Focuses the given item scrolling it into view
FormatNumber (String) Formats a number using a specified format
GetFirstVisible (clsUniLV_ListItem) Retrieves a reference of the first item visible in the client area.
HitTest (clsUniLV_ListItem) Returns a reference to the ListItem object or Node object located at the coordinates of x and y. Used with drag and drop operations.
ItemCompletelyInViewport (Boolean) Returns True if the specified item is completely visible in the ViewPort
ItemVisibleInViewport (Boolean) Returns True if the specified item is visible (also partially) in the ViewPort
NoUpdate Terminates a [BeginUpdate] reactivating the control after a long-time update
Doesn't refresh the control view
OLEDrag Starts an OLEDrag operation
Refresh Updates the control view
SelectAll Selects all items
SelectRange Selects a range of items
Sort Sorts the list data using [SortKey] and [SortOrder] properties
StartLabelEdit Begins a label editing operation on a ListItem or Node object.
ViewPortHeight (Long) The Viewport height
ViewPortWidth (Long) The Viewport width
Major differences from a standard ListView
- This control supports Unicode
- Column Reordering doesn't work
- Items position/size is always calculated by the control and cannot be changed by code (except when in report view)
- ListItems, ColumnHeaders and ListSubItems icons can be numbers when using ImageLists or ctlImageBags or directly Pictures
- As all other controls is this library, mouse events use Pixels and not Twips

How to use the control
This control has been made 100% by our team, and should be 100% compatible with standard ListView control (except above)

Simply rename every occurence of:
- ListItem to [clsUniLV_ListItem]
- ListItems to [clsUniLV_ListItems]
- ColumnHeader to [clsUniLV_ColumnHeader]
- ColumnHeaders to [clsUniLV_ColumnHeaders]
- ListSubItem to [clsUniLV_ListSubItem]
- ListSubItems to [clsUniLV_ListSubItems]
- In form events (like Drag&Drop events) note that our control uses Pixels for Mouse coordinates, standard controls uses Twips so you need a conversion (check the sample)

This sample will show you how to load and drag items into a ListView control
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
With ctlUniListView1
.SmallIcons = ImageList1
.Icons = ImageList1
Set .ColumnHeaderIcons = ImageList1
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "aaaa dsadsa dsad sadsa dsads a", , , 1
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "bbbb", , elvca_right
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "ccc", , , pic1.Picture
End With
End Sub
Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
Dim li2 As clsUniLV_ListItem
Dim lsi2 As clsUniLV_ListSubItem

Set li2 = ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add(, , "Text dsadsa dsad sadas dsad sadas dsadsa a", 1, 2)
li2.Checked = True
li2.Bold = True
li2.ForeColor = vbRed
li2.Tip = "qqqqqqq"
Set lsi2 = li2.ListSubItems.Add(, , "second", 1, "Tip")
lsi2.Bold = True
lsi2.ForeColor = vbRed

li2.ListSubItems.Add , , "third", , "Tip"

Set li2 = ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add(, , "aaa")
li2.Tip = "aaaaaa bbbbbbb"

Dim p As StdPicture
Set p = Ctl_LoadPicture("u:\hexagora.png")

Set li2 = ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add(, , , p, p)
End Sub
Private Sub ctlUniListView1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
Dim li As clsUniLV_ListItem
Set li = ctlUniListView1.HitTest(x, y)
If Not li Is Nothing Then
Set ctlUniListView1.SelectedItem = li
Set ctlUniListView1.DragIcon = li.CreateDragImage()
End If
End If

Debug.Print Time & " > " & x & ", " & y
End Sub
Private Sub ctlUniListView1_DragDrop(Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Source Is ctlUniListView1 Then

Dim liIns As clsUniLV_ListItem
Set liIns = ctlUniListView1.SelectedItem
ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Remove liIns.Index

Dim li As clsUniLV_ListItem
Set li = ctlUniListView1.HitTest(x, y, True)

If Not li Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print li.Index
ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add li.Index, liIns.Key, liIns.Text, liIns.Icon, liIns.SmallIcon
ctlUniListView1.ListItems.Add , liIns.Key, liIns.Text, liIns.Icon, liIns.SmallIcon
End If
End If
End Sub