Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniFileBoxXP Control

An Unicode Dir/FileBox with advanced properties; supports up to 32000 characters in path.
Check common properties here

Name Description
Name Description
PathChange Raised when the path changes
PatternChange Raised when the pattern changes
FilesRead Raised when the number of items in the list changes
Name Type Description
BackColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the background color of the list
BackColorOut (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Color of the area out of the border (when using Rounded Borders in a non WindowLess control)
Leave -1& for automatic management
BorderColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Border color
DisplayMode (eSearchFilesWhat) Gets or sets the working mode of the control, by changind this property you can show folders, files or both
Enabled (Boolean) Enables or disables the control
FileName (String) Gets the filename for the specified element
Font (Font) Gets or sets the font used for text in the control, check the [ApplyFontChanges] for details
ForeColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the text color
Hidden (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to show hidden files in list
HScroll (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to use a horizontal scrollbar on the popup list
List (String) Returns the item at a certain index
ListCount (Integer) Returns the number of items in the list
ListIndex (Long) Gets or sets the current element
ListObject (clsSearchFilesFInfoAL) Gets the [clsSearchFilesFInfoAL] object containing information for the specified index
MouseIcon (Picture) Gets or sets the MouseIcon for the control
MousePointer (VBRUN.MousePointerConstants) Gets or sets the MousePointer for the control
MultiSelect (eUniListBoxEx_MultiSelect) Gets or sets the ability to select multiple elements in the list
OLEDropMode (eCtlOLEDropMode) Gets or sets the OleDropMode for the control
Path (String) Gets or sets the current path
PathFileName (String) Gets the complete path with filename for the specified element
Pattern (String) Permits you to filter items (*.* or *.txt)
You can use multiple patterns using "," or ";" as a separator (ex. *.txt;*.doc)
PatternAlsoForDirs (Boolean) Permits you to specify if the pattern applies to files or also to folders (by default the pattern applies only for files)
PermitNavigation (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to navigate through directories using dblclicks
ReadOnly (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to show read only files in list
RoundedBorders (Boolean) Gets or sets Rounded borders
RoundSelector (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to use rounded borders for the list item selector
SelBackColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the background color of the list item selector
Selected (Boolean) Returns True the file at the given index is selected, Sets the selection of the file at the given index
SelectorStyle (eCtlButtonStyle) Gets or sets the style of the list selector
SelForeColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the foreground color of the list item selector
ShowFullPath (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to show the full path filename into the list
System (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to show system files in list
Tip (String) Gets or sets the Unicode Tooltip for the control
UseRoundRegions (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to use Round Regions for round borders instead of using the [BackColorOut] property;
Name Type Description
ApplyFontChanges When setting a new font on the control you need to call this function in order to refresh the interface
hWnd (Long) Retuns the handle associated with the control
OLEDrag Starts an OLEDrag operation
Refresh Reloads the list
SelCount (Long) Returns the number of selected items