Name |
Type |
Description |
BackColor |
Gets or sets the background color of the list |
BackColorOut |
Gets or sets the Color of the area out of the border (when using Rounded Borders in a non WindowLess control) Leave -1& for automatic management |
BorderColor |
Gets or sets the Border color |
DisplayMode |
(eSearchFilesWhat) |
Gets or sets the working mode of the control, by changind this property you can show folders, files or both |
Enabled |
(Boolean) |
Enables or disables the control |
FileName |
(String) |
Gets the filename for the specified element |
Font |
(Font) |
Gets or sets the font used for text in the control, check the [ApplyFontChanges] for details |
ForeColor |
Gets or sets the text color |
Hidden |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to show hidden files in list |
HScroll |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to use a horizontal scrollbar on the popup list |
List |
(String) |
Returns the item at a certain index |
ListCount |
(Integer) |
Returns the number of items in the list |
ListIndex |
(Long) |
Gets or sets the current element |
ListObject |
(clsSearchFilesFInfoAL) |
Gets the [clsSearchFilesFInfoAL] object containing information for the specified index |
MouseIcon |
(Picture) |
Gets or sets the MouseIcon for the control |
MousePointer |
(VBRUN.MousePointerConstants) |
Gets or sets the MousePointer for the control |
MultiSelect |
(eUniListBoxEx_MultiSelect) |
Gets or sets the ability to select multiple elements in the list |
OLEDropMode |
(eCtlOLEDropMode) |
Gets or sets the OleDropMode for the control |
Path |
(String) |
Gets or sets the current path |
PathFileName |
(String) |
Gets the complete path with filename for the specified element |
Pattern |
(String) |
Permits you to filter items (*.* or *.txt) You can use multiple patterns using "," or ";" as a separator (ex. *.txt;*.doc) |
PatternAlsoForDirs |
(Boolean) |
Permits you to specify if the pattern applies to files or also to folders (by default the pattern applies only for files) |
PermitNavigation |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to navigate through directories using dblclicks |
ReadOnly |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to show read only files in list |
RoundedBorders |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets Rounded borders |
RoundSelector |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to use rounded borders for the list item selector |
SelBackColor |
Gets or sets the background color of the list item selector |
Selected |
(Boolean) |
Returns True the file at the given index is selected, Sets the selection of the file at the given index |
SelectorStyle |
(eCtlButtonStyle) |
Gets or sets the style of the list selector |
SelForeColor |
Gets or sets the foreground color of the list item selector |
ShowFullPath |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to show the full path filename into the list |
System |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to show system files in list |
Tip |
(String) |
Gets or sets the Unicode Tooltip for the control |
UseRoundRegions |
(Boolean) |
Gets or sets the ability to use Round Regions for round borders instead of using the [BackColorOut] property; |