Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsSearchFilesFInfoAL Class

This class represents a File Information when using the [clsSearchFilesAL]

Name Description
eSearchFileFInfoDate DateTime information
eSearchFilesFAttrs Attributes of a file, can be a combination of the following values
Name Description
Name Type Description
dFileSize (Currency) This is the file size in bytes
dwHighDateTimeCreation (Long) The Creation DateTime (Hi word)
dwHighDateTimeLastAccess (Long) The Last Access DateTime (Hi word)
dwHighDateTimeLastWrite (Long) The Last Modify DateTime (Hi word)
dwLowDateTimeCreation (Long) The Creation DateTime (Low word)
dwLowDateTimeLastAccess (Long) The Last Access DateTime (Low word)
dwLowDateTimeLastWrite (Long) The Last Modify DateTime (Low word)
lAttributes (Long) Contains the attributes
oCollSubFiles (cArrayList) Contains the list of sub files and sub folders if the item is a directory
sFileName (String) Contains the filename without path
sFilePathNoSlash (String) Returns the path of the current item without the final backslash
sFilePathSlash (String) Returns the path of the current item with the final backslash
sFilePath Returns the path of the current item as it is
Name Type Description
Clone (clsSearchFilesFInfoAL) Returns a clone of the current object
GetFileDate Returns Datetime information about the current item
GetUTCFileDate Returns Datetime information about the current item in UTF format
IsCompressed (Boolean) Returns True if the item is compressed
IsDirectory (Boolean) Returns True if the current item has the esfa_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY attribute
IsDirectory = (lAttributes And esfa_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) <> 0
IsEncrypted (Boolean) Returns True if the item is encrypted
IsFile (Boolean) Returns True if the current item is not a Directory
IsHidden (Boolean) Returns True if the item has the Hidden attribute
IsReadOnly (Boolean) Returns True if the item has the ReadOnly attribute
IsSystem (Boolean) Returns True if the item has the System attribute
LoadFromFileOrDir (Boolean) Load class information using the given path
sPathFileName (String) Returns the complete path and filename of the current file