My webpage, made in DHE, is to heavy. My question: Does DHE AFTER making the final project, the graphic files smaller? I have made a png picture in DHE and his size is about 360kb. Also there are some more large (about 160kb) png's. Do i have to make them smaller in lets say photoshop? And if i convert them into jpeg and replace them in my DHE webpage, are my buttons still working or do i have to adjust them to the new rrect? That would be another big job. Can i use the same rrectnumber for an converted picture?
when you import a picture into a DHE page the editor will export it using an automatic method. You can force DHE to use the jpg ot (.gif in version 3.x) by acting on the picture/shape property window. If you import a very large picture and stretch it to a smaller one DHE will export the small image ;-)