When you go to this page http://www.loopfietsverkoop.nl/bestelcontact.html and you place your mouse cursor in the first field of the form and then hit the Tab button on your keyboard so you can 'jump' from one field to the other you can see that when you go from the field Land you end up in the field Opmerkingen instead of the field E-mail.
Just tab through all of them and you see more weird jumping order. From Land to Opmerkingen to the Button to E-mail to Loopfiets drop down menu to Hoe bent u op onze site terecht gekomen? to Accesoires drop down menu.
The fields should go from top to bottom but somehow Dynamic HTML Editor messes it up.
Hello Martin, I think it's very simple. You have to order the elements. Thats a function in the toolbar. I had the same problem in the past. I hope I could help you.
Hello lahaye, it's true because you have used absolute elements so the tab-order respects the order in Dynamic HTML Editor. To order objects you can:
a- (suggested by me) use only relative fields in a FORM container b- use the "Sort Object" function from the Edit menu.
Some tips for your site: - the top graphical label has a very ugly appearance... To improve it you can act in two ways: 1- use the PNG-32 support 2- select the back and the graphical label and use the "merge sel. images" from the tool menu - for the other big graphical label used after the title you can just remove its transparency because it has a white background.
Thanks for the help people. Now finally I have the right order of the formfields.
Davide I didn't quit understand about which labels you were talking.
quote:Some tips for your site: - the top graphical label has a very ugly appearance... To improve it you can act in two ways: 1- use the PNG-32 support 2- select the back and the graphical label and use the "merge sel. images" from the tool menu - for the other big graphical label used after the title you can just remove its transparency because it has a white background.
Which top graphical label do you mean? You also mention select the back and the graphical label. Do you mean the white background of the page? Which other big graphical label used after what titel are you talking about? The rounded rectangle with the red border?