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Super User
626 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2005 : 13:49:54
Maybe it's a good idea to have a thread with peoples wishlist for Dynamic HTML Editor?
I'll start it of.
#I for one would like to be able to set the border colors for every border (Left border will be blue, right border will be red and so on.)
#I would also like to be able to change the border styles. (for example dotted border, inset, outset, groove, dashed and so on.)
#When starting the program I would like to be able to immediately choose the option to open a project. (I see the options: Create a new page using template, New blank page, Open an existing page and so on.)
#When creating a label I would like it when the font wasn't automatically set to Verdana but to Arial which is more used than Verdana).
#I would like it if there were a pop-up screen where I could choose special characters and the abillity to use a keyboard combination to quickly insert them. I can do that now for some special characters but the system has some issues. (Like for example ?, ?, work good but ? doesn't work good and so on.)
#I would like to be able to have a little fold down menu so I can choose in which browser I want to view the current page. Now I can select one browser and that's it. I can set another browser but than that one would be the only selection).
ADDED: #When inserting an image have it always open in it's original size. (Now one has to hold down the shift key to open it in it's original size.)
ADDED: #When changing an id name you get a pop-up window asking "Update all references to this object?". Could there be an option in the program settings that stops it from asking this and just doing it? Because if I have a lot of ID's on one page I want to change I get this everytime I change an ID and that tends to get annoying and time consuming.
ADDED The abillity to add superscript or subscript to a part of the text would be something I would like to see.
That's it for now[2 H:)]
Keep up the good work Davide!
Edited by - Martin1 on 20 May 2005 14:11:41 |
United Kingdom
26 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2005 : 14:40:17
OK, here are a few things I've thought of:
* a zoom feature
* line shape - when you draw a thick line and rotate it, the edges appear beveled. Could this be changed so that the line ends are at 90 degrees to the body of the line?
* a tool to create polygons
* hotspot tool - currently shows a dotted line when the hotspot is clicked in the browser. Any way of eliminating this?
* projects menu - 'open recent project' option
* guides - a toolbar button so you don't have to open the tools menu to create them
* object lock buttons on the toolbar
* toolbar button to insert .dhe object
* Ability to use bullets in label text
fzirp |
United Kingdom
26 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2005 : 20:47:59
Sorry... a couple more wishes: * more options to align objects -- to each other: centre vertical, centre horizontal -- to the page: align left/right/top/bottom, centre vertical on page, centre horizontal on page. It would also be nice if the arrange options for width and height could be broken up into widest/narrowest and tallest/shortest.
fzirp |
United Kingdom
40 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2005 : 23:22:45
# line spacing, word spacing and letter spacing - all easy to do with css
# better colour selector - with a memory for recent / favourites
# make graphic effects available with actions (easy buttons - very much like Fireworks!)
# enhanced graphic effects - glass highlight effects are nice for buttons.
# agree regarding border colours
# fuzzy shadows (real blurs or faked as with Flash)
# object library - put items you are going to need many times on a page or in a project into a quick access area on the right, users can drag these objects onto the page.
# graphic boxes - align text top middle or bottom
# graphic boxes - allow text inside to have links and rollover classes (this would make these boxes perfect for drop-down sub-menus - using the mouse-out event on the box to make it disappear nicely)
# ability to select items at varying z levels - e.g. click normally selects top level object, but Alt-click selects object below (and Alt-clicking again cycles through all objects at that x,y position)
# ability to see and manually assign z level for object selected
# liquid CSS layout options
# object list in the properties panel needs to be easier to use - when there are many objects on a page it is not easy to scroll through all objects looking for the one whose properties you want to adjust. Not sure how best to do this, but how about using selector buttons above the list to filter the list by object type? This system should be replicated every time you are selecting an object (for example when you are assigning javascript events to an object). Here is a mock-up of the kind of thing I am thinking of: |
Edited by - Commsman on 11 May 2005 17:14:56 |
United Kingdom
26 Posts |
Posted - 25 Apr 2005 : 21:55:19
I especially agree with Commsman about Z level manipulation. I'd meant to mention that in my wish list.
fzirp |

1 Posts |
Posted - 01 May 2005 : 17:05:54
I would love to see features that would allow me to use mysql queries in the program. Maybe add a box kinda like the html object so users could insert queries there? |
United Kingdom
40 Posts |
Posted - 01 May 2005 : 18:11:42
No problem with MySQL queries - just add them as part of an HTML box. I use PHP and so for me it would look like: <?php lots of brilliantly devised code ;-) including al the MySQL stuff one could want ?> You could also add code which is not designed to echo anything to the page top code or header code (go to page properties and click on the Scripts/Events tab in Dynamic HTML Editor 2 This is a very flexible application and allows you to stick your PHP pretty well anywhere you like it! I would guess the same is true for ASP - although I am not an ASP person so would leave others to comment on that! Cheers Julian |
Edited by - Commsman on 01 May 2005 18:17:56 |

1 Posts |
Posted - 02 May 2005 : 21:35:43
Dynamic HTML Editor 1.8:
# tranparent option in color palette. Instead of defining a color, choose the value "transparent". As it is now, I need to pick an odd color, then edit the HTML later by replacing all occurrences of that color with transparent.
Super User
626 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jun 2006 : 16:17:21
I thought I'd just bump my wishlist up.
Davide I know you have lots and lots of stuff to do but if you have any sparetime left (I can imagine you don't) please re-read my wishlist.
Martin |
Site Admin
3364 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jun 2006 : 17:29:11
These features are already present:
* a tool to create polygons * projects menu - 'open recent project' option * Ability to use bullets in label text * more options to align objects -- to each other: centre vertical, centre horizontal # fuzzy shadows (real blurs or faked as with Flash) # graphic boxes - align text top middle or bottom |
Regards, Davide |
Super User
626 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jun 2006 : 17:50:45
[2 H:)] Still leaves some stuff on the wishlist .
#I for one would like to be able to set the border colors for every border (Left border will be blue, right border will be red and so on.)
#I would also like to be able to change the border styles. (for example dotted border, inset, outset, groove, dashed and so on.)
#I would like it if there were a pop-up screen where I could choose special characters and the abillity to use a keyboard combination to quickly insert them. (Like for example ?, ? and so on).
#When inserting an image have it always open in it's original size. (Now one has to hold down the shift key to open it in it's original size.)
#The abillity to add superscript or subscript to a part of the text would be something I would like to see.
# line spacing, word spacing and letter spacing - all easy to do with css
# object library - put items you are going to need many times on a page or in a project into a quick access area on the right, users can drag these objects onto the page.
* object lock buttons on the toolbar
* toolbar button to insert .dhe object
Just to mention a few[2 7:H]
Martin |
84 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jun 2006 : 22:17:02
I would like to ad
* Text wrap for al object you put on top a textframe.
* Crop images
Would it be possible when you are exporting a project to just simply click ok and your project is exported. I often click ok without exporting (impatient[2 H:)])
Davide, i hope you still have some time for hobby's and a private live with al the wishes you are getting
Fouch |
Super User
626 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 01:43:28
I make that mistake as well. Forgetting to click on the export button and just hitting OK[2 H:)]. However I don't need the the option to be changed I just ned to be more observant or buy some reading glasses [4 8-)].
Poor Davide. I am also not entirely convinced he has time for anything else left with all our (mine) nagging about new features and stuff.
Be sure to take some r&r (rest and relaxation) from time to time Davide. You deserve it!
Martin |
Jan van Londen
Super User
208 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 08:04:00
I experience the same with the export function. An other option here would be to put the focus on the export button. A mere <ENTER> would do the trick then. I prefer to use keys instead of the mouse anyway.
Bye, Londen
Bye, Londen. |
Edited by - Jan van Londen on 21 Jun 2006 08:04:44 |
Super User
448 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 09:55:19
#Transition Graphic effect (fade etc.) in slide pictures. ;-)
#Little .gif editor (for button, menu etc.)
#Text scoll (label overflow=marquee) 100% compatible whit Firefox, Opera and other
#Javascript for date
#Push button to create Hot-Dog (free) 
Dhe Editor is Magic!
::arov:: |
Edited by - arov on 21 Jun 2006 09:58:08 |
81 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jun 2006 : 19:48:23
#Freehand size for "Falling Image" (Javascript.)
gr. Henk |
Edited by - hrvol on 23 Jun 2006 19:48:46 |
Super User
448 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2006 : 08:38:50
# Rollover+effect to 1 image instead that 2 images (is possible?)
# Rollover+effetto su 1 immagine invece che 2 immagini (? possibile?) Ora per fare il rollover ci vogliono 2 immagini diverse. Non si pu? fare in modo che: su una immagine applico l'effetto che viene mostrato con il rollover e dopo l'immagine ritorna come prima. Non so se pu? servire a risparmiare byte...
::arov:: |
Super User
448 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2006 : 11:44:57
Hi, Dav... Have you seen this list? ;-)
::arov:: |
Site Admin
3364 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2006 : 14:37:26
@arov, sorry but the rollover is not possible using only an image |
Regards, Davide |
Super User
448 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2006 : 15:27:03
::arov:: |
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2006 : 19:21:06
A hotkay to "also" close the manager
F4 opens it..but closing??? [4 !]  |
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Edited by - Waldorf on 22 Aug 2006 19:23:35 |
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 19:12:13
I use 3 diff. browsers, for testing and priview! would be nice to have buttons, or hotkeys to change from IE >FF>Opera [3 yes] |
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 21:37:10
Also: opening a pict. (4 Edit) but, in another External Editor, of any choice > say..> straight from DHE to PHP, etc!
many programs do this it is possible [3 yes]..[3 up]
* |
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 21:41:58
Maybe, arrow control, over (2)guides (vrt. and Hor.) since the L/R/up/down arrows are not used 4 something els (when nothing is selected!)
* |
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Edited by - Waldorf on 25 Aug 2006 21:50:13 |
Site Admin
3364 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2006 : 08:34:31
nice ideas ;-) |
Regards, Davide |
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2006 : 22:14:55
Maybe I?ve overlooked something, but..
All styles, scripts and stuff, entered via the html tool, are placed between the <body> tags, witch can be very <.[4 //:|].> annoying! (since many needs <head> placement!)
We can choose between all sort of tags, but not their placement!
A possibility to do so, would be very welcome and pleasing.
Amaze us S.D
P's if there is (an easy) trick, to do so..plzz tell me/us?
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Edited by - Waldorf on 03 Sep 2006 16:36:45 |
Site Admin
3364 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 09:09:12
quote: All styles, scripts and stuff, entered via the html tool, are placed between the <body> tags, witch can be very <..> annoying!
The HTML tool, like all other tools worksw inside the page ;-)
If you need to insert pieces of code into other parts of the page (like in the header html tag) simply open the "Page Properties" dialog; you should see a tag with "Scripts" that you can personalize ;-) |
Regards, Davide |
Super User
573 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 10:03:23
Play sound event that works [2 ?:-|] |
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 10:33:17
quote: Originally posted by Waldorf
[quote]Originally posted by T00N
Play sound event that works [2 ?:-|]
Toon, for sound, you?ll better use Flash (works always and in every browser)even in FFox [3 yes] The sound, the size, the use and handling are much better Otherwise (with embedded sound) you will always encounter several problems, due to plug-in and browser policy
Regards Waldorfen [2 H:)]
**added** example 1, with DHE > voodoo simple/quick & stupid/design/by waldworsten: that works 10/10 in Opera/Ffox/IE...etc. [5 !!]
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Edited by - Waldorf on 31 Aug 2006 05:11:00 |
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2006 : 10:47:14
quote: Originally posted by s.dav
quote: All styles, scripts and stuff, entered via the html tool, are placed between the <body> tags, witch can be very <..> annoying!
The HTML tool, like all other tools worksw inside the page ;-)
If you need to insert pieces of code into other parts of the page (like in the header html tag) simply open the "Page Properties" dialog; you should see a tag with "Scripts" that you can personalize ;-)
Ach so ist das!!!
DH?E still has many secrets for waldworsten! Found it and it is easy to work with Tank you again, master DS
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2006 : 23:49:56
example 2, more elaborated and this time 'without'the: DHE conflicting interests
you can test it in "all" browsers, ti's 100% idiot-browser-proof [2 :D]...[3 yes] |
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Edited by - Waldorf on 31 Aug 2006 01:03:49 |
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 02 Sep 2006 : 14:24:12
An "Auto Start > on/off checkbox" 4-the Dhe.SlideShow
. |
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Edited by - Waldorf on 02 Sep 2006 14:25:58 |
Super User
284 Posts |
Posted - 03 Sep 2006 : 16:35:08
Unless I've overlooked something! [5 *] Styles that can be saved/exported, so we don't have 2 redo them every time, in a new file/project!
* "Happiness" is making -> The <- Choice! *
Edited by - Waldorf on 03 Sep 2006 19:20:34 |
United Kingdom
26 Posts |
Posted - 07 Sep 2006 : 10:01:57
quote: Originally posted by s.dav
These features are already present:
* a tool to create polygons * projects menu - 'open recent project' option * Ability to use bullets in label text * more options to align objects -- to each other: centre vertical, centre horizontal
Davide - Thanks for pointing these out. Don't know how I overlooked them  It would still be nice to have page-align features [2 }:H] |
Super User
284 Posts |
Super User
284 Posts |
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