Dear David, Rather content with my webpage I'd like to insert a guestbook. Surfing over here I found quite some stuff in PHP but (simply thinking) it did not sort out within my 'html-function'. Then I found your which looks satisfactory to me. But with the first instruction (draw a FORM) I got stuck. Where do I find the way to 'draw' a FORM ? Silly question ? Then the solution will be equaly simple. Kind regards, Gerard
in the left toolbar, choose the "FORM" object then draw it on the page; you'll need also to draw input elements inside the form and manage the server .php page
1- draw a html box on the page 2- paste the php code inside 3- use the .php extension for the page (in the page settings)
Hallo Gerard, Ik weet niet of je DHE in de Nederlandse vertaling gebruikt, maar Davide geeft zijn uitleg altijd in het Engels. Dus dan kun je DHE beter instellen op Engels. (Sorry Davide, this was a language issue.)