Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/wwwmar1/public_html/pragerphoneapps.com/about.php:1) in /home/wwwmar1/public_html/pragerphoneapps.com/about.php on line 34 The URL is pragerphoneapps.com/about.php
This is a known issue; this error happens when your page is using a UTF8 encoding (this can be assigned automatically by D.H.E. when needed); in this case D.H.E. appends a so called "BOM" character to the beginning of the generated file and PHP is not able to understand it. This issue has already been fixed in version 6.0
I don't see anywhere that Release 6 is available yet. This is what's at the top of the about.php file: <META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><?php function dhwe_sendMailTextForm1() { $charset = ''; $header = 'From: DHWE_Processor'; if ($charset!='') $header = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=$charset" . "\r\n" . $header;
$to = 'support@pragerphoneapps.com '; I fixed it by moving the META statement to the HEAD. The message is gone, and it works like it's supposed to (goes to success page). However, still can't get the values of the radio buttons to work. (another post)