What I try to build is a page with some fields in a form. There are 3 section. Shipping address, delivery address and and info field. The delivery address fields I only want to (expand) show when I push a button or link. The same I need for the info field.
I put all in own layers (adr_lay,del_lay,inf_lay) with absolute position. For test I have a button to hide the layer with the delivery fields.
My problem is that after hidding, there is space between the shipping address and the info fields. I tried with relative position but with no success.
Also I want to toggle between "expand" status and "hidden" status.
This is a simple question but quite complex using a WYSUWYG program; in order to make such as thing you need to create container DIVs tags without "height" size and hide internal DIVs using "display:none" HTML style.
In Dynamic HTML Editor now it is not possible as it always gives size to elements.