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573 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2008 :  20:37:02  Show Profile  Visit T00N's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Has anybody here experience with learning PHP?

I'm thinking of following a study to learn (the basics) of PHP.

Database driven sites are becoming more and more common knowledge so I think it might be a good idea to learn PHP.

Downside is that I'm not much of a student [2 :-/]

Super User

433 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2008 :  02:10:03  Show Profile  Visit joneq's Homepage  Reply with Quote
This guy here has a good sight to learn the basics for free---he is amusing as well.


you will not learn enough to really do much,but you will become familiar enough with php so you can follow a good book easier

There is also a video for $14.95 all about building a database driven website. It is pretty good for learning how to navagate in phpmyadmin/mysql--database stuff..not too important isf you use a cms like modx..

Quite frankly I suggest you hang out at

http://www.modxcms.com/ it is the best cms I think. They just realeased a new version--I have not tried it

you can try it out here..


It [will be] easy to make a template and then make that template work with modx+dhe...I mean it will be easier when the next release of dhe comes out so the css will be in one file rather than on every page. It is not impossible now but looks like too much work..

Here is a good place to start..it is the wiki located in the documentation


and here


they have a very good support forun there too..

sottwell[from the forum] is all over the templating process..

It is not simple, but it is also not hard to learn modx..

Great plugins --like lightbox galleries with just a few clicks

too much info--I know

Edited by - joneq on 30 Sep 2008 05:55:08
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