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31 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2008 : 10:45:55
Merci pour l'info. Je vais faire des recherches pour avoir un hebergeur francais ou anglais... Car je ne parle pas du tout Italien... je vous communiquerais mon serveur pour info.
Thanks for the info. I will do research to get a hebergeur French or English ... Because I do not speak Italian ... I communiquerais my server for info. |
31 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2008 : 10:56:45
Pourquoi me faut-il ce genre d'hebergeur? car je n'y connais strictement rien...
Why do I need this kind of hebergeur? Because I don't know anything ... |
31 Posts |
Posted - 20 Mar 2008 : 13:32:58
J'ai un soucis avec le tutorial mot de pass. Je suis la methode ? la lettre mais quant je clic sur envoyer, il m'affiche la fenetre si dessous, au lieu d'ouvrir la fen?tre prot?g?e:
Est ce que j'ai fais un erreur? c'est un erreur dans le tutorials?
Merci de votre aide
I have a concern with the tutorial password. I am the method to the letter but as I click on send, it open below the window, instead of opening the window protected:
Do I make a mistake? It is an error in the tutorials?
Thank you for your help
Edited by - pascojulien on 20 Mar 2008 13:36:56 |
Site Admin
3364 Posts |
Posted - 22 Mar 2008 : 16:24:59
Yes you make a common mistake. For server side pages you cannot invoke them directly (using file://yourfile.asp or c:\pippo\yourfile.asp) because they will not work. They are called "server" pages because you need a Web Server in order to make them working.
So in Microsoft IIS configuration you have to create a Virtual Directory that points to your site and use the http://localhost/your virtual folder to access the page
See how my sample is configured. If you upload the sample to your Hosting provider sure that it will work |
Regards, Davide |
31 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2008 : 13:51:52
Je suis d?sol? je suis pas tr?s bon en informatique mais j'ai envie d'apprendre et de comprendre. j'ai bien compris pour le r?pertoire virtuel, mais j'ai pas compris pour
quote: use the http://localhost/your virtual folder to access the page
Ou se trouve ce fichier? est ce le nom de mon projet sur DHE?
I am sorry I am not very good with computers but I want to learn and understand. I understood for the virtual directory, but I have not included for
quote: http://localhost/your use the virtual folder to access the page
Or is the file? This is the name of my project DHE? |
Edited by - pascojulien on 24 Mar 2008 13:55:12 |
Site Admin
3364 Posts |
Posted - 25 Mar 2008 : 09:01:20
Yes, act as follows: 1- put the sample downloaded from my site into a folder "c:\sample1" for example 2- go to the "Internet Information Service" configuration on Windows (you need 2000, XP professional or Vista Businnes at least) 3- create a "Virtual Directory" called for example "sample1" that points to the Physical folder "c:\sample1" on your disk 4- Open IE and in the address write "http://localhost/sample1/index.htm" and the sample will open 5- in Dynamic HTML Editor go to the Project Properties and change the starting address of your site to reflect your settings... |
Regards, Davide |
31 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2008 : 16:20:42
I have not yet had the opportunity to use the virtual directory, because my site is not yet online ... but it will not delay ...
But I still have a concern:
How enable windows of my site fits all screens visitors?
Je n'a pas encore eut l'occasion d'utiliser le r?pertoire virtuel, car mon site n'est pas encore en ligne... mais cela ne serai tarder...
Par contre j'ai encore un soucis:
Comment faire pour que les fenetres de mon site s'adapte ? tout les ?crans des visiteurs? |
Site Admin
3364 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2008 : 16:28:27
With D.H.E. is not possible; like many other WYSIWYG web editor it created fixed pages. You can only center the content. |
Regards, Davide |
31 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 15:36:17
Arf, is that this can be improved in future versions of DHE?
After seek advice from a friend, otherwise I will proceed to circumvent the problem ...
I will make the site (under construction) 3 copy chaqu'une being adapted to a type of display, it simply click on a link type 1280x1024, 1280x960, 1280x800 ...
I remain at your disposal for other solutions?
Arf, est ce que cela pourra ?tre am?liorer dans les versions futur de DHE?
Apr?s avoir demander conseil ? un ami, je vais proc?der autrement pour contourner le probl?me...
Je vais faire le site (en cours de cr?ation) en 3 copie chaqu'une ?tant adapter ? un type d'affichage, il suffira de cliquer sur un lien du type 1280x1024, 1280x960,1280x800...
Je reste ? votre ?coute pour d'autres solutions? |
31 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2008 : 09:03:28
J'aurais besoin un conseil. Comment dimenssionner mon site, pour que celui-ci soit agr?able ? regarder par n'importe qui, en fonction de son ?cran. Et comment faire pour centrer mon site sur les diff?rents ?crans de mes visiteurs
I need some advice. How my site size, so it is enjoyable to watch by anyone, depending on its screen. And how to focus my site on different screens Visitors |
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