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 Dynamic HTML Editor 6.0 released!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
s.dav Posted - 13 Sep 2011 : 08:35:05
Dear users,

in a few days we plan to release the new major version of our Dynamic HTML Editor; as always we tested the program re-making our HEXAGORA.COM site.

In the next days more info so stay tuned ;-)
27   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Eclassbud Posted - 31 Oct 2011 : 16:45:30
Thanks. Now that I have updated to 6.x, I need to update my thinking. Thanks again for an excellent new version.

> Where is the split image button?

I didn't understand what are you searching for

> And, what happened to the simple shadow feature?
Removed, check this page:

s.dav Posted - 30 Oct 2011 : 19:01:32
> Where is the split image button?

I didn't understand what are you searching for

> And, what happened to the simple shadow feature?
Removed, check this page:

Eclassbud Posted - 29 Oct 2011 : 19:58:09
Great New Version! I'm liking 6.x Thanks.
Two questions though... Where is the split image button? And, what happened to the simple shadow feature?
s.dav Posted - 25 Oct 2011 : 08:59:21

I'm releasing new updates every day... If your version hasn't problems you don't need to download it again.
Jan van Londen Posted - 24 Oct 2011 : 17:23:42
Hello Davide,

I'm a bit confused. My DHE has version number 6.0.69, while on the history page version build 71 is mentioned. Should I download the new one or . . . ?
rimsurfer Posted - 20 Oct 2011 : 18:35:45
Thanks Davide for adding it back in on the last update - love that feature and I use it before most every updated export/ftp post.
jtarin Posted - 30 Sep 2011 : 10:53:00

You never cease to amaze me with your relentless work on one of the finest pieces of software available today for website work.
I have been fortunate to be an early adopter of your work and it has saved me countless hours of hard work and with the most excellent results imaginable. I can never thank you enough.
s.dav Posted - 28 Sep 2011 : 14:38:55
The new (old) feature has been re-introduced; in a few days I'll release this version. I'll send you a private email ;-)
rimsurfer Posted - 27 Sep 2011 : 22:00:21
S. dav

Thanks - really appreciate your responsiveness and help - really rare now-a-days.

ps I would have no prob with you setting up a class of say PRO and charging me $99 US a year. your product and new features,support are well worth it!
s.dav Posted - 27 Sep 2011 : 15:39:17
>If it is not a huge deal code and time wise to give us the option back it would be immensely
> helpful and appreciated by myself. I don't mind sharing with your group how to use it as a tweak tool for better seo too.

Now understand the problem; I'll try to introduce this feature again.
rimsurfer Posted - 26 Sep 2011 : 22:04:49

I think we are talking about two different things in the appication and usage of the old removed "sort" option.

Here is one instance - there are others ...
I manage over 80 sites I created in DHE. Many make daily changes and additions. I had a good example this am. They had me create a web form with over 50 fields in it (this is common for my support group) but forgot to give me one to add. They had me add it to the form - it now shows up at the bottom (internal code / export ie not visual) as any new text box or pic box I would ad to the page. this creates a lot of work to near impossible to re layer all those fields and boxes manually - the old option of sort was awesome as it in one click rearranged all objects in the top to bottom of page order.

All my sites (using your product - which is how I found you originally for your "clean W3c compliant code and this sort feature" are in the top 1 or 10 spots. I used the sort feature (with a little trick I fiqured out) to also embed the credits into the page above the last text box and photo alt tag of my selection. I found this had a tremendous effect on controlling what SEO I want to submit for the page.

If it is not a huge deal code and time wise to give us the option back it would be immensely helpful and appreciated by myself. I don't mind sharing with your group how to use it as a tweak tool for better seo too.

s.dav Posted - 26 Sep 2011 : 09:13:43

browsers load the page code from the top to bottom; objects that appear before are loaded before.

In DHWE, by using relative position, objects are automatically sorted from the left-top to the right-bottom.
If you use absolute positioned object you can use some tricks to make objects load before others.

This is the rule: objects below are loaded before so if you need to make the browser load an object before others send it to bottom.
You can also use the "Page Custom Code" panel to insert code at the very start or end of the web page.

Let me know if this solves your problem
rimsurfer Posted - 23 Sep 2011 : 17:24:31
But that has more to do with layers (z-order) the sort fixed the actual order of the content exported in the code which effected the load sequence (top to bottom) and gave us some level of control over placing the last text box at the very bottom of the page code ( goog's first in / last out content algo) - we have no way of doing that now ?
s.dav Posted - 23 Sep 2011 : 10:26:59
Originally posted by rimsurfer

Just purchased 6.x upgrade and I am using it on my sites I manage. Like the new options - thanks

one big question. the sort objects feature is missing. is it gone? somewhere else? if it was taken away can we get it back? I loved and used that feature a lot for tweaking seo content. DHE was about the only product I found (years ago now) that offered that level of tweaking - it helped a lot on code order load time and more too.

Thanks for the feedback and interest ...


this feature appears useless to me now; you can change the z-index (or z-order) of object as usual using the "Send to Back" and "Bring to Top" buttons.
T00N Posted - 23 Sep 2011 : 08:57:15
My 5.9 version was bought before february. I recieved the key already and next week I'll start exploring all new functions
joneq Posted - 22 Sep 2011 : 21:58:18
Originally posted by T00N

And now I'm patiently waiting for the registration key.

I guess you saw this by now

Users who purchased version 5.9 (after February 11, 2011) can upgrade without additional costs to the latest version. Simply download the version 6.x then register it with the license code you already have.
rimsurfer Posted - 22 Sep 2011 : 18:27:35
Just purchased 6.x upgrade and I am using it on my sites I manage. Like the new options - thanks

one big question. the sort objects feature is missing. is it gone? somewhere else? if it was taken away can we get it back? I loved and used that feature a lot for tweaking seo content. DHE was about the only product I found (years ago now) that offered that level of tweaking - it helped a lot on code and content order, load order and time, seo content order tweaking and more too.

Thanks for the feedback and interest ...
joneq Posted - 22 Sep 2011 : 02:51:26
T00N Posted - 21 Sep 2011 : 20:12:33
And now I'm patiently waiting for the registration key.
T00N Posted - 21 Sep 2011 : 15:16:00
Great, bought an update immediately ;-)
s.dav Posted - 19 Sep 2011 : 18:43:28
Many 5.x users have free upgrade, some others have to pay a small amount.
Check this page:

candid Posted - 19 Sep 2011 : 12:53:37
Sounds great, what is the upgrade price for V6 from the old V5 if I may ask?

Testa Posted - 17 Sep 2011 : 09:09:09
I'm trying it making a new site, waiting my new activation code...
Looks like more customizable and powerful, with a lot of important features, but i've already some question...so let's go to a new topic!!!

As always, Mr. Lorenzi has given us the best WYSIWYG program on the market. Now make professional web sites is even more simple and fun.

joneq Posted - 17 Sep 2011 : 01:12:11
Looking good from the USA

s.dav Posted - 16 Sep 2011 : 21:17:59
Dynamic HTML Editor 6.0 released!

Some new features:
- 32 bit background transparency for layers
- Infinity object
- Dependencies for extensions
- Ability to copy images among galleries
- Ability to choose the PNG quality of images
- Image settings panel for optimizing images
- Zoom feature
- More precise shapes
- New selection management
- Colors overlay for graphical objects
- Slidepanel object + GfxMenu used as controller
- Live property panel
- New events
- The Audio object has been updated

Check some new features here:
Testa Posted - 14 Sep 2011 : 13:25:45
Can you anticipate something?
I look forward ...
siemens Posted - 14 Sep 2011 : 07:57:19
Can't wait!

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