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 File rename error

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
doransmolias2002 Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 00:40:22
Since updating from version 4.3.38 build n.36 to build n.38 I get a (80040001) file rename failed message when I try to edit and save or export any files made with the n.36 version. I do not get this error with new projects made with the n.38 build. Anyway to get my older build projects to save/export/work in the newer build?


2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
doransmolias2002 Posted - 14 Sep 2010 : 01:17:27
Thanks for the tip/hint.....Dealing with Windows 7... Solution was to run Dynamic with adminstrator privileges as the folder with the site files is always set to read only mode no matter what you do to change it, it goes back to that, but running Dynamic with admin privileges overides the read only setting.


s.dav Posted - 13 Sep 2010 : 09:58:34
This seems to be very strange to me; IMO your old files have maybe a read-only attribute; every version of the program is compatible with all the previous.

If the problem persists please send me the project that is giving you problems and I'll check it.

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