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 Dynamic HTML Editor
 Dynamic HTML Editor
 Comprehensive Shopping Cart

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
michamum Posted - 25 Aug 2010 : 02:59:08

I'm looking at setting up an online store selling childrens products, and will need to implement a shopping cart into the website.

I know the Dynamic HTML Editor has the Paypal tools, but I think I prob need something more advanced as there will be quite a few products and I would like shoppers to be able to sort products by: category, brand, price & popularity, and to also have the option to put in coupon codes at checkout.

Is there any scripts that I can add on to use in the HTML Editor?? I'm quite comfortable using this program now in creating websites, just I haven't had to set up a shopping cart option before.

I'm not sure if I'll be out of my league and should maybe pay a professional to set it all up for me.

I have learnt quite a lot from Dynamic HTML Editor over the few years I've had it (since I knew NOTHING about creating websites before I purchased it), and am really happy with the software so would be happy to use it again if possible.

Anyway, any feedback will be much appreciated!
Thanks, Michelle
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 25 Aug 2010 : 08:54:15
There is a group of extensions called "ECWID" that will permit you to create more advanced shopping carts but better that this actually nothing; you need to search on the internet.

You can also check this topic:

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