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 Image -15 px maximum

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Martin1 Posted - 29 Jul 2010 : 17:45:01
Why can't I place an image further to the left than a maximum of -15 pixels.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 12 Aug 2010 : 09:09:04
Martin, I checked your page and all seems to be ok; as you centered the page the program ignores positions that you gave to objects.

IMO you should act as follows:
1- CTRL+A (Select ALL)
2- CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (To move all objects to the right)
3- Enjoy ;-)

When centering the page you can place objects where you want into your D.H.W.E. design, also near the right part of the page; the page will look the same when exported ;-)
Martin1 Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 17:56:01
No worries take your time Davide.
s.dav Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:34:56
Yes I received it but I had no time for checking it :-(
I'll check it in the next days.
Martin1 Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 00:13:54
Davide did you receive the sample page I send you last wednesday?
T00N Posted - 04 Aug 2010 : 10:40:11
social icons just outside the main centered layout.

I don't think this is possible. The icons are objects as well and therefore centering the page will move it a bit to the right.
s.dav Posted - 04 Aug 2010 : 08:55:02

if you "centered" your page D.H.W.E. calculates the right position for objects;
if you have a sample please send it to me and I'll check it ;-)
Martin1 Posted - 03 Aug 2010 : 18:13:16
I just noticed that although DHE lets me set the icons to a maximum of -15pixels it doesn't use this -15px in the source code when the page is exported.

That looks like a little bug to me.
Martin1 Posted - 03 Aug 2010 : 17:55:38
Hello Davide,

Well I have a centered layout and at the top left I wanted to place some social icons just outside the main centered layout.

I don't want to move the layout to the right to make space on the left for the icons, so I thought i just place the icons at -20.
s.dav Posted - 30 Jul 2010 : 08:41:33
Why do you need to place images at negative position?

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