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 How to remove source file from object?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rmmarsh Posted - 14 Jun 2010 : 22:10:11
I have a navigation page which has an embedded file that no longer exists. How do I remove the reference to the embedded file?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rmmarsh Posted - 15 Jun 2010 : 16:50:39
I found it! The object had shrunk so minimal size and I finally found it by looking at the object list.

Thanks, Davide...
rmmarsh Posted - 15 Jun 2010 : 16:46:10
The problem occurs when I try to locally publish... it's happening on the masterpage... there is NO embedded object (at least from what I can see)... all I did was move my navigation menu to the masterpage, and deleted the navigation.dhe file.
s.dav Posted - 15 Jun 2010 : 09:24:00
I should see your page but I think you need only to remove the embedded object from the page.

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