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 Email form not working correctly

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
inwilddreams Posted - 01 Jun 2010 : 21:34:30

I am doing something wrong. :( My site is www.organicmilling.com....under 'Our Family', Questions/comments - I created a simple email contact form. In Internet Explorer, code comes up, and in Firefox, it wants to save it as a file. Please help me understand where I went wrong. Thanks!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 02 Jun 2010 : 12:43:10
You need a local web server to test the email form; you cannot load the page directly.
If you are able to configure manually a local web server try this or simply export and publish the email form to your web site and try it there...
joneq Posted - 01 Jun 2010 : 23:15:33

nice site--good job--can't help with your prob but

the dropdown menus should drop down when you hover over the button--right--on yours you need to be below the button for it to drop down-- in FF anyway

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