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 Trouble with lettertypes on different browsers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
siemens Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 20:02:54
Hello, i am having some trouble with lettertypes on different browsers. As you can see in the link the DHE generated text in graphic mode is for all browsers the same (second line). The problem is that in graphic lines you cannot place a link on a word (including underline)(Yes, i know how to use hotspots, not an option in my case). So for that you have to use text mode (first line) As you can see I get 2 different results for IE 7, ClearType or not, so far no problem. The problem is that in IE 6 the text mode lettertype is not reconigzed so the IE6 browser replaces the unknown type with the standard (arial?) lettertype!! Is there a way, with or without DHE to solve this problem?
Anyone experienced in this??

(PS Do not say to update IE 6 to 7.....)

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
siemens Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 09:40:44
>> Here's a list of browser safe fonts.

This will help, thanks, I must use a type that looks like 'Nina' or somebody else must have a suggestion??
T00N Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 20:17:22
Here's a list of browser safe fonts.

T00N Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 20:11:27
Textmode I would only use for the standard fonts that are on EVERY computer, like verdana, arial etc.

If I use another font I always choose for graphical.

Indeed you can't add links but you can easily fix that problem by using a hotspot with a link.

BTW, is there a list of 'standard' fonts?

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