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 Slide picture issue

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Martin1 Posted - 14 Oct 2008 : 18:20:52
I am creating some slide pictures and come across a problem. First of all not all pictures are of the same size.

I 'draw' the slide picture on the canvas. Then I start adding the pictures and mark the Restore original size part.

I now assume the original size of all pictures are used but this is not the case. Only the original size of the first picture is being used. This first picture is a small picture the other ones are larger. But they are resized to the size of the small first image.

What am I doing wrong?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 08:40:48
> Shouldn't the canvas be automatically resised to the size of the largest picture when I choose Restore to original size?

Yes, you are right, I'll put this request on my ToDo list

> Added to that it doesn't seem to make any difference how big I 'draw' the canvas it keeps resizing to the smallest picture.

It uses always the first picture in the list
Martin1 Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 13:56:03
Shouldn't the canvas be automatically resised to the size of the largest picture when I choose Restore to original size?

Otherwise how am I going to know how big the largest picture is and place my text around it accordingly.

Added to that it doesn't seem to make any difference how big I 'draw' the canvas it keeps resizing to the smallest picture.

s.dav Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 09:28:29
You are doing nothing wrong, the Slide Picture works exactly as you saw.
Simply create the canvas larger than the larger picture of the Slide and you are done.
Every picture will be centered in the Canvas, resized only if they are bigger than it.

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