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 Idea for new version?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
siemens Posted - 13 Oct 2008 : 20:51:50
Hello Lorenzi,

In the link is a suggestion for a new version, what do you think of it?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jan van Londen Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 13:51:42
I guess you know best how you solved this subdirectory thing. However, I can imagine that creating the same directory structure under a "self-chosen" export directory, can do the same.
s.dav Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 09:31:58
> to be able to choose the locations for dhe-files, html-files and the local publish directory

D.H.E. 4.x has been designed in order to maintain both .htm and .dhe file together; in this way I can manage sub-folders and sub-projects in a simple but effective way
Jan van Londen Posted - 14 Oct 2008 : 12:45:13
Now we are talking about suggestions . . .

Shouldn't it be possible, while installing the program, to be able to choose the locations for dhe-files, html-files and the local publish directory. I prefer it when I can separate them. I don't know if others think about this the same.
Oh, by the way, good suggestion siemens.
s.dav Posted - 14 Oct 2008 : 09:26:19
You are right, already thought on this point but actually I have other important things to do first ;-)
T00N Posted - 13 Oct 2008 : 21:38:52
Good idea, I have plenty of space for multiple views on the right hand side

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