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 project exports without .htm pages

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ruud123 Posted - 06 Oct 2008 : 15:17:57
I just moved from v 3.xx to 4.2.53. I used to export my project and than copy the export directory to a website. Today, when I export the project the .htm pages are written into the project directory.
Do I something wrong? [2 ?:-|]
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 13 Oct 2008 : 08:30:53
Please check the help for the new "Project Manager"; it works in a different way than the past; in this manner it's possible to create projects with sub-folders and sub-projects
ruud123 Posted - 12 Oct 2008 : 21:36:21
I got confused as "export" is not an item in the current help file index.
Also, I'm still struggling with the subdirectory "files" that is created when I publish my project on my own machine. It holds files also created in the main publish directory.
I publish my website on the internet simply by dumping all files in the main website directory.

s.dav Posted - 07 Oct 2008 : 09:11:53
No it is absolutely normal, please check the help file;
D.H.E. 4.x is a bit different from the old version on the project management.

In order to publish your project you can use the "Publish Project" dialog; you can put files on the interner or into another folder.

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