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 Backgroundpicture Question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DrBob Posted - 01 Oct 2008 : 13:57:32

I have a question/problem with building a website:
I have made a basic page (with the menu, logo, etc.). On that page I use a backgroundpicture of 1280 x 1024 px. Over the background I made a graphical rectangel with 50% transparacy so you can see the background. The background is bigger as the working area of the site (800x600 / and that is what I want[3 ~-)]). When I do a preview or I upload the site than I see in my 16:9 22inch screen the background picture lined up to the right side but the rest of the page is centered (as I wish). The problem is that in the graphical rectangel you see a "cut out" from the background shifted from the real background.

Is It possible to centre the background picture? And how?
Or has anybody another idea how to solve?

Pffff A long story and not verry clearly [2 }:HH], but I hope you understand what I want [2 ?:-|]

Thanx in advance

Dr. Bob

PS. See Image, maby it makes it clear

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DrBob Posted - 02 Oct 2008 : 11:57:28

Thanks everybody, it works [5 !] ! I took the second option from Davide

Let's take a beer on again a solved case [4 :!!:] !

Dr. Bob
petran Posted - 02 Oct 2008 : 10:48:27
I've had the same a few months ago. You can centre a background with CSS. Take a look at this post: http://www.hexagora.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1245
s.dav Posted - 02 Oct 2008 : 09:29:33
The problem appears because you are using non PNG32 image (because the PNG32 support is not enabled) with transparency so D.H.E. merges the background and simulates semi-transparent pixels (that are non supported using NON-PNG32 images)

You can fix your problem in two ways:

1- disable the "center" flag into the page properties; D.H.E. is actually merging the image with the background exactly in the point the image is in the editor; using the "center" flag the image is translated ;-)

2- enable the PNG32 support in the Project properties (and in the Program options, for the preview)
jtarin Posted - 01 Oct 2008 : 22:08:07
I would take the picture into a graphical editor and overlay it with the rectangle at 50% trans, flatten, save, and use as one unit centered.Then as filler around the image a tiled background.

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