T O P I C R E V I E W |
pascojulien |
Posted - 17 Sep 2008 : 10:04:02 Bonjour,
J'aimerais centrer mon site sur la page de mes visiteurs, comment faire? Je fais clic droit sur ma page d'accueil, propriete "centrer la page", mais je n'arrive pas ? cocher "centrage vertical" comment faire?
how do to center my site on the page of my visitors, how? I right click on my home page, property "centring page" but I can not check "centering vertical "how do?
Thank you |
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
richinri |
Posted - 29 Sep 2008 : 07:19:47 As far as I have been able to determine - the safest way to deal with font sizes is using the EM measurement method.
s.dav |
Posted - 18 Sep 2008 : 15:37:39 The % is not used in D.H.E. because there are many and many images in the pages so using a % value will destroy them. |
petran |
Posted - 18 Sep 2008 : 10:55:56 You can only do it with an external text editor. I hoped Davide could implant such a function, but the non-compliance seems to be hard to overcome. If you will work with it: put the code in a masterpage and use these for your other pages.
pascojulien |
Posted - 17 Sep 2008 : 10:17:10 Merci,
Une autre question me vient: Comment faire pour transformer les pixels en %? Sa r?soudrer mon probleme...
Thank you,
Another question comes: How to transform px in %? His solve my problem ... |
petran |
Posted - 17 Sep 2008 : 10:10:18 There is still no browserwide compliant way to center a page verically but you can find some hint here: http://www.hexagora.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=848&SearchTerms=center,vertically and here http://www.hexagora.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1254&SearchTerms=center,vertically |