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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sea Vipe Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 01:52:08
Using a built-in template I created a site with a shared page (Black theme) "Your Website.com" (which I edited to read "Best-West Realty Ltd.") When I Export and Publish, the result is "Page Ignored" and the site displays the "Your Website.com" text as in http://www.best-westrealty.com . Obviously I have overlooked something but I don't know what. How do I publish this shared page? I am using the latest version - 4.2.53
Thanks, Clive Richey (AKA Sea Vipe)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sea Vipe Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 05:15:55
Okay, figured it out. The original version of the master was still linked on several pages. I corrected the link and now all is well. Thank you.

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