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 Page centering has changed

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Martin1 Posted - 01 Sep 2008 : 18:12:13
Hello all,

I am encountering a strange issue with the new version (version 4 instead of 3).

I needed to update some pages of a client of mine and now all the pages don't center anymore. They have moved strangely enough not to the left but to the right.

This is how it should be:

this is how it is:

for just a second it the page content is centered and then moves to the right.

Does anyone have any clue as to what is going on?

Added to that I also just noticed a difference in color between the two pages when it comes to the brownish/green rectangle in the left bottom with the image of the guy leaning on some books in it.


11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 04 Sep 2008 : 08:51:51
Martin, never made such as feature; the Alt key is not used.

Simply select objects then move them with Arrows and optionally with CTRL+Arrows
Martin1 Posted - 04 Sep 2008 : 02:38:54
I have a page that only contains a date. I had this page centered. The page was then included via php include in other pages. This worked fine in DHE version 3.

But in version 4 the page with the date needed the centering of the page removed.

Don't know why but that was the solution.

@ Davide

I did came across one bug. When I press the alt key on my keyboard and use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard the selected object moves one pixel.
When I press the up and down arrow key nothing happens. It used to work in version 3 but not in this version. I use it often so it would be nice to have it back.

jtarin Posted - 03 Sep 2008 : 22:36:25
And the reason would be????
Martin1 Posted - 03 Sep 2008 : 14:29:33
I have just solved it.

s.dav Posted - 03 Sep 2008 : 08:34:21
>Why won't the pages I didn't change but did export not center?

? I don't know
joneq Posted - 02 Sep 2008 : 19:39:00
now they are viewable
Martin1 Posted - 02 Sep 2008 : 14:07:33
Hello all,

Well here I can view the pages just fine. Maybe there was an issue with the servers last night?

Could you give it one more try for me?


I just notice something VERY strange. The pages I didn't change are the ones that are no longer centered. The page I did change
centers just fine.

Why won't the pages I didn't change but did export not center?

s.dav Posted - 02 Sep 2008 : 09:12:56

nothing has changed from version 3 in the centering method (suggested by you) ;-)

Check if you used both relative and absolute positioned objects in the page.

joneq Posted - 02 Sep 2008 : 00:26:04
Did not work after I refreshed it like 20 times...and cleared cache for the hell of it...
Martin1 Posted - 01 Sep 2008 : 22:43:01
There seems to be something strange going on with the server. When you hit the refresh button several times the page appears[3 :-~].

Could you give that a try?


joneq Posted - 01 Sep 2008 : 20:55:46
Those .php links only work for you or we don't have permission to view them [I think]. even this does not work for me

Post scrren shots maybe

or the server could be down...

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