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T O P I C    R E V I E W
T00N Posted - 21 Aug 2008 : 09:54:24
I tried to fill a rectangle with a gradient background.
Problem is that the gradient doesn't look good.

Here's an example:


Are my settings not right or is this the best it can look?
I want it to be more fluent, more gradient.

Now if you look closely you can see 7 different colours.

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
T00N Posted - 23 Aug 2008 : 08:20:19
I thought I was :-)
jtarin Posted - 23 Aug 2008 : 00:40:28
Does make a difference.....16 to 32. I'm surprised your not running 32 normally.
T00N Posted - 22 Aug 2008 : 14:40:49
Just figured it out.

Because I added a second monitor my main monitor was set back from 32 bits to 16 bits.

When I removed the second monitor I was able to set the main monitor back to 32 bits and then it was okay.

T00N Posted - 22 Aug 2008 : 10:17:56

First I looked upt the properties of the project and checked the png32 option, but that didn't make a difference???

Then I exported the file as JPG byt again, no fluent gradient?

I'm a bit lost now...
s.dav Posted - 22 Aug 2008 : 09:00:16

you exported your shape as standard so D.H.E. converted it to 256 colors because the shape is transparent (the shadow is semi-transparent, and you can see 7 different colors)
In order to enhance colors you need to:

a- remove the transparency (choose to export the shape as .jpg or remove che "Transparent Canvas" flag in the object properties


b- turn on the PNG32 support

jtarin Posted - 22 Aug 2008 : 08:01:35
1996...h-m-m...I guess that makes color out of date. :-D
The only detraction I would say from the article would be the "almost" universal acceptance of .png, but the other formats still have many functionary purposes, that can't be dismissed.
My idea was for you to view the color pallete to find more selections to use in forming your gradient.
T00N Posted - 21 Aug 2008 : 23:33:06
Mwah, good reading....

November 22, 1996

Was the date on the article :)
jtarin Posted - 21 Aug 2008 : 22:14:55
Don't limit your selection to the available color pallete.
Here's a couple more, and some good reading.
T00N Posted - 21 Aug 2008 : 18:20:09
This is a radial gradient.

I'm sure the tool should work okay in DHE.

The functions in the program you've mentioned are almost the same as in DHE?
jtarin Posted - 21 Aug 2008 : 16:33:47
Are you trying to achieve a linear or radial gradient? Seems radial as I see it. I use an application called Colorcop when selecting colors for usage on my projects...I find it indespensible.

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