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T O P I C    R E V I E W
graceonline Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 18:06:09
Newbie here. Searched the forum for help on this, and coming here as last resort. Building educational web site for kids and need a tooltip like feature to define words. For example, when their cursor hovers over a highlighted word, a tooltip would pop up with a brief definition of the word.

Aside to Davide, thank you a thousand times for this amazing and fantastic program. I had nearly despaired of ever finishing the web site, all volunteer work, as my amateur, weekender skill set simply could not keep up with the developing world.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
graceonline Posted - 07 Sep 2008 : 22:44:37
Originally posted by jtarin

As was mentioned...."check/search the help file for events [onmouseover/onmouseout]" use these to show/hide graphical textboxes with your tooltips. The graphical textboxes can be further manipulated.

Originally posted by petran

It could be done like this:
Make your tooltip ans set the visibility to false.
Make a hotspot above the word you want to explain.
With the hotspot selected go to "Events" in the properties window.
In the Events list first choose "onMouseOver", then in the Action list choose "Show".
In the Destination list that appears choose your tooltip and click the Add button.
Now do the same with "onMouseOut" and "Hide". Don't forget to Add these as well.

Success! jtarin and petran, thank you both so much. I wasn't getting how this worked until petran's step-by-step accompanied by some external reading on javascript and hotspots.

Originally posted by s.dav

Using a JavaScript function will solve your problem; there are many solutions ready to use on the internet.

Try to google this sentence: "javascript tooltip"

s.dav, thank you as well. I googled and, though my skill set is insufficient to execute the javascripts successfully, my attempts helped me understand jterin's and Petran's advice and the Editor functions better.

I apologize to all for my tardiness in reply. Today is the first opportunity I have had to return to my work on the site in several weeks.
s.dav Posted - 07 Jul 2008 : 09:16:58
Using a javascript function will solve your problem; there are many solutions ready to use on the internet.

Try to google this sentence: "javascript tooltip"
petran Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 12:41:08
It could be done like this:
Make your tooltip ans set the visibility to false.
Make a hotspot above the word you want to explain.
With the hotspot selected go to "Events" in the properties window.
In the Events list first choose "onMouseOver", then in the Action list choose "Show".
In the Destination list that appears choose your tooltip and click the Add button.
Now do the same with "onMouseOut" and "Hide". Don't forget to Add these as well.
jtarin Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 09:59:23
As was mentioned...."check/search the help file for events [onmouseover/onmouseout]" use these to show/hide graphical textboxes with your tooltips. The graphical textboxes can be further manipulated.
graceonline Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 01:16:55
Originally posted by joneq

Maybe check/search the help file for events [onmouseover/onmouseout] and hotspot/Hot Spot...

Thank you for your kindly reply, joneq. I did all that before coming here. I checked again just now, in case I missed it before, and I don't see a way to create a popup tooltip with the available options. Maybe I'm missing it ??
joneq Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 20:01:02
Maybe check/search the help file for events [onmouseover/onmouseout] and hotspot/Hot Spot...

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