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 Graphical Transparency

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
blackreligon Posted - 25 Dec 2007 : 11:12:35
Hallo Everybody!!!

It's hard to think of anything
But Christmas in December.
There's so much to look forward to
And so much to remember.

Merry Christmas & a peaceful New Year![2 :k]

Now comes to the point. I have a little problem with graphical transparency.
After exporting my page to server it shows only black layer on the PNG objects. Pl. See this with Internet Explorer (http://home.arcor.de/d.buchhalter)
This is only with IE. I know this hangs with Transparency, but have no idea how I can get rid of this. It?s great if somebody can help me.

Thanks in advance
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
blackreligon Posted - 27 Dec 2007 : 11:59:00
Thanx Davide & msfluffymuffin,

It works after avoiding the PNG32 support.

s.dav Posted - 27 Dec 2007 : 10:32:30

you are right, the problem is the png32.htc file


Try to publish your project using the Publish Project utility. In order to diplay PNG32 files under internet explorer < 7 you need two files with your Web page, a file called "png32.htc" and a file called "blank.gif".
You can also try to avoid the PNG32 support, D.H.E. creates optimal images also without the PNG32 support active.
blackreligon Posted - 26 Dec 2007 : 15:10:11
Hai Fluffy,

Thanks for your early reply.I am jealous of your happiness (joke).I am sorry to say That I have png32.htc in the same folder.let's wait for Davide (der H?uptling)

Thanks again & Regards
black[3 ~-)]
msfluffymuffin Posted - 26 Dec 2007 : 02:46:46
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you to blackreligon :o)

Hehe....I spent most of my time today with my sister...had a great time with my lil' neice and nephew, now I have some more great memories to cherish :o)

Hmmmm...as regards your problem, correct me if I'm wrong, my memory is abit fuzzy, but hasn't that something to do with not having or uploading png32.htc ?

I remember IE before version 7 has a lil' bug in rendering PNG's correctly, or at least transparent ones, thats why you need png32.htc to be in the same folder as your web files, hopefully Davide can clarify this and your situation too ;o)

Xmas Hugs to all,

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