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 Shinning effect

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bronee Posted - 23 Dec 2007 : 12:39:09
How can I ad some shinning effect to something? fx I created figures looking like spheres, but want to have it shine a bit?


8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 28 Dec 2007 : 14:02:57
Nice ;-)
In the new version there are some steps to do in order to make buttons like these using a GfxCanvas object.
I'll create a simple tutorial for things like these.
Please remember me this question ;-)
Martin1 Posted - 27 Dec 2007 : 13:40:50
I think that something like this is meant.


The red and blue are shiny.

s.dav Posted - 27 Dec 2007 : 10:26:55
Sorry, but what is a "shinning effect"?
joneq Posted - 24 Dec 2007 : 22:25:40
looking pretty good now. like it!!!!You need a link back to the home page from everypage. I got stranded in the flashplayer and had to click the little x at the bottom to get back to the main page+menu
bronee Posted - 24 Dec 2007 : 06:01:25
ohh I se :)
joneq Posted - 23 Dec 2007 : 21:38:10
I imagine you have seen the events property and you diid not see anything there so maybe you could post a link to a site showing what you mean or just explain exactly what it is you want to acheive
bronee Posted - 23 Dec 2007 : 14:15:46
What do you mean?
s.dav Posted - 23 Dec 2007 : 13:59:44
Any sample?

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