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 Grouping objects, XP SP2 IExplore 6 problems

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ajd Posted - 19 Dec 2007 : 21:23:29

In first term, congratulations for this excellent product: DHE, the best WYSIWYG html editor I've seen until now. I'm not a experienced html writer, and need a tool like this.

I'm working with XP SP2 and have some doubts:

(1) I dont't know how grouping objects or images, etc. in DHE.

(2) I have problems because buttons don't change their colors or aspect with Internet Explorer. No problems with Firefox.

(3) I can't find a control to make tables.

Thank you for any answer.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ajd Posted - 20 Dec 2007 : 20:07:31
Allelujah!! I got it :) It's so simple. THANKX Davide !!!

s.dav Posted - 20 Dec 2007 : 19:50:40
See here:

ajd Posted - 20 Dec 2007 : 19:49:36
Thanx Petran, but, where must I accept active-X elements, in Internet Explorer or in DHE ? My Internet Explorer it seems to have all active-x elements running.

petran Posted - 20 Dec 2007 : 16:35:08
If you've got the problem in a preview from within DHE, you must accept active-X elements to run. If you close the warning without accepting this your mouse-over event does'nt work
ajd Posted - 20 Dec 2007 : 13:24:14
The (2) point is this: the command "onmouseover" that changes the button images or text colors don't run in Internet Explorer 6.xx, it runs perfectly whith Firefox. My platform is Windows XP SP2. What must I do?

Thank you in advance.
s.dav Posted - 20 Dec 2007 : 09:20:31
1) you have to draw them into a Layer or Form object, this is the only manner to "group" objects
2) Can you explain me your problem in a better way?
3) Version 4.0 will have tables; but, are you sure to need tables?

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