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 Border on label, text

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bronee Posted - 18 Dec 2007 : 20:53:59

when you make a standard text label in the editor and make a link, then when you press the link on the website, the border of the label can be seen...not so nice. How can I avoid that?

Can you make a "sign my guestbook" with the editor?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
richinri Posted - 28 Dec 2007 : 08:33:55
I don't know about your part of the world but here in the US Guestbooks are practically non-existent anymore. They are a big tool for abusive posts that one has to constantly maintain to avoid. You get filth, ads for everything etc.
jtarin Posted - 28 Dec 2007 : 01:39:45
Originally posted by bronee

Thank you for advice, be the first to sign my guestbook...

Be the first to provide a link to your guestbook.
bronee Posted - 19 Dec 2007 : 13:51:47
Thank you for advice, be the first to sign my guestbook...
T00N Posted - 19 Dec 2007 : 09:57:41
There are a million free or almost free guestbooks already available in the internet.

For one site I use the one from smartgb.com
Very cheap and completely customizeable (is that an english word :) )
s.dav Posted - 19 Dec 2007 : 08:51:14
>when you make a standard text label in the editor and make a link, then when you press the
> link on the website, the border of the label can be seen...not so nice. How can I avoid
> that?

I don't know if there is any way to avoid that; the problem is IE that "focus" the clicked link

>Can you make a "sign my guestbook" with the editor?

Maybe in the future but a thing like a Guestbook requires also server side components like .asp or .php pages.

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