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 CMS question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
T00N Posted - 11 Dec 2007 : 20:51:10
I use a CMS to change the text in a textbox.

Problem is that that if I use a standard textbox there is some code in the html page with the font type, the size of the font etcetera.

This isn't necessary because I want to set these things up with the CMS.

Is there another way to make a box in which I can put text but without the font properties.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
T00N Posted - 13 Dec 2007 : 12:41:09
You're the best!
s.dav Posted - 13 Dec 2007 : 08:51:02
It is already present, look at the "overflow" property ;-)
T00N Posted - 12 Dec 2007 : 12:53:27
That's a possibility but you can't give a html box features like marque and overflow, can you?
s.dav Posted - 12 Dec 2007 : 09:57:34
Only using an HTML box

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