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 How to do this with D.H.E.?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rmmarsh Posted - 10 Dec 2007 : 01:28:18
Go to http://www.treeview.net/tv/support.asp and click on any numbered question. The answer appears below, while all of the text is shifted down.

How do I do this in D.H.E.?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rmmarsh Posted - 22 Dec 2007 : 03:10:16
I figured it out... just looked at the source of the page and made some minor modifications... works like a champ!
richinri Posted - 19 Dec 2007 : 05:59:03
I know this can be done with Adobe's free Spry library and I believe Scriptaculous also. You can see one example that uses similar coding using the spry library here:
Notice how you can expand and close the stories on the main page.
rmmarsh Posted - 10 Dec 2007 : 16:01:18
Thanks Davide... I didn't know what it was called; so now that I know, I can figure out how to do it...

s.dav Posted - 10 Dec 2007 : 09:27:32
This is a simple two-level treeview. Actually in D.H.E. you can make a thing like that only by using an HTML box. Maybe in the future I'll create something like that.

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