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 How to make an object disappear after time?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rmmarsh Posted - 05 Dec 2007 : 20:59:27
I have a filled rectangle with text in it. I want it to disappear after a few seconds.

I thought of using Scriptaculous, but it only works on clicks...

How can I do this?
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rmmarsh Posted - 07 Dec 2007 : 16:32:20
Geeze, why didn't I think of that? Thanks...

s.dav Posted - 07 Dec 2007 : 11:18:33
Yes, you can use the OnLoad event on the page properties
rmmarsh Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 18:16:28
Hi Davide... there is no "event" that I can use... is there some way I can do this so it disappears after the page fully loads? (it's a small box that tells the viewer to click on a certain bit of text that I want to disappear after a few seconds).
s.dav Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 09:18:41
You can make this thing using Javascript code acting as follows:

1- create your event (OnClick, OnMouseOut, ...) action JavaCall
2- In the Javacall text write hiderect();
3- in the "Header code" section of the page create a <script tag like this:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function hiderect()

function hide(n)
var o=document.getElementById("ldhe" + n);


Change "FilledCircle1" with the name of the object to hide.

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