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 Resizing/aligning objects question.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rmmarsh Posted - 05 Dec 2007 : 19:49:21
When I try to resize or align a series of objects, there seems to be no pattern as to which is the starting object. No matter if I choose an object first or last, (especially on resizing) I always get what I didn't want.

What's the secret?
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 13 Dec 2007 : 08:50:11
Maybe but not in the next one ;-)
I've no time :-(
rmmarsh Posted - 12 Dec 2007 : 18:42:31
Whew... I thought it was me! :D

So, is there anyway to change this? use either the first or last picked, rather than the largest? maybe a future release?

s.dav Posted - 12 Dec 2007 : 09:56:46
After some days finally I understood your question, sorry

When using aligning tools:
- for left/top alignment, the minimum coords will be used (every selected object will be aligned to the minor left and minor top found)
- for right/bottom the maximum coords will be used
- for width/height, the maximum size will be used
- for centerx/centery, the minimum center coord will be used
T00N Posted - 11 Dec 2007 : 20:43:32
If I have three objects, none of which are the same size (text boxes, for instance) and I want to make them all the size of the smallest object (not the largest, which is what D.H.E. does), I have to do it manually.

Although I understand what you mean I have to say that I have never noticed that this was a problem.

Usually when I want 3 boxes with the same size I make one with the size I want and then just simply copy/paste that one.

Another thing you could do is to align them to the left and the drag the bigger one until you see a guideline that says it's aligned. I hope you know what I mean.
s.dav Posted - 11 Dec 2007 : 09:53:08
Yes, but are you sure that "Most programs that have the resize ability take either the first picked object or the last and that is what the other objects are sized to"??? I'm not sure of that.
In order to make a group of object to the same size you can use the align tools on the bottom or you can go to the properties panel on the right, open the "Object Properties" (click the button on the right of "Size" property) then choose the size and press Ok.
Every selected object now has the same size of others
rmmarsh Posted - 10 Dec 2007 : 16:05:10
Davide... been there, done that! I don't think you understand the problem. If I have three objects, none of which are the same size (text boxes, for instance) and I want to make them all the size of the smallest object (not the largest, which is what D.H.E. does), I have to do it manually. Most programs that have the resize ability take either the first picked object or the last and that is what the other objects are sized to.

With D.H.E. it makes no difference which object you pick; you are always going to get resized to the largest of the group of objects you are trying to resize.
s.dav Posted - 10 Dec 2007 : 09:26:17
I created the align tools for this purpose; see them on the bottom toolbar.
rmmarsh Posted - 09 Dec 2007 : 17:06:44
Davide... With all due respect, that doesn't make any sense... if I have three objects, all of different sizes, and I want to make them all one size, I dont' necessarily want them all large... maybe I want them all the same size as the smallest! Most other programs of this kind, take either the first or last chosen, and that becomes the controlling object. Is that clearer?
s.dav Posted - 09 Dec 2007 : 12:42:55
Originally posted by rmmarsh

Aligning isn't the issue, Davide... it's resizing... which object controls the final size... the first object or the last?

In the same manner as above
jtarin Posted - 08 Dec 2007 : 11:35:35
What method are you using and what are you resizing...specifically?
rmmarsh Posted - 07 Dec 2007 : 16:31:16
Aligning isn't the issue, Davide... it's resizing... which object controls the final size... the first object or the last?
s.dav Posted - 07 Dec 2007 : 11:16:11
Originally posted by rmmarsh

OK, let me ask it a different way: when you are resizing a set of objects, which is considered the "object to size to"... the first one you choose, or the last?

None of them, Dynamic HTML Editor calculates a rectangle made using the minor left/top and the major right/bottom of objects.
This serves to align the group.
rmmarsh Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 21:28:46
Duhhh! I figured that one out on my own! (mama's proud, too!).

T00N Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 20:42:30
You only get stars for ANSWERING questions, not for ASKING them [2 :DD][3 v]
rmmarsh Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 20:04:11
TOON: thanks! so, how long do I have to keep posting before I get more than 2 stars? :D
T00N Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 19:24:06
Good question
rmmarsh Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 16:09:15
OK, let me ask it a different way: when you are resizing a set of objects, which is considered the "object to size to"... the first one you choose, or the last?
s.dav Posted - 06 Dec 2007 : 09:21:54

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