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 problem with overstyles

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
anima3 Posted - 26 Nov 2007 : 18:39:08
Hi there!!
Just wanted to say, I'm an avid D.H.E. fan and I adore this software. Though I am having a few problems right now, mainly one with overstyles! When I try to add an overstyle to some text, here's what I do:

1. I start a textbox, highlight my link, click on 'Links' then on 'Over Style'.
2. I click on the '...' button to start a new overstyle. I give it a name and configure it (I change the forecolor to red for instance), then I click on 'Ad' and then on 'OK'. Then I select my overstyle and click on 'OK'.
3. Then I click on 'OK' again and I preview....

and... and... OMG IT WORKS!!!!! THAT'S NOT NORMAL!!!!
well I'm just going to explain what happened last time. I followed all the steps above, then I previewed, and when I rolled over the text it became white no matter what color I had chosen. :-S

See? *grin*
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 27 Nov 2007 : 10:21:30
Very strange... ;-)

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