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 Can't start D.H.E.

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didu Posted - 16 Nov 2007 : 18:24:08
I've got a big problem with the free version of D.H.E.:
I could always start it without any problems and now, there's just the start screen for a very short while and disappears again, the programm doesn't start.
I don't remember to have changed anything in relation to that, can anyone help me?
mfg Didu
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s.dav Posted - 20 Dec 2007 : 09:22:15

send me a private email and if you want I'll send you a "debug" version so we can try to discover where the program hangs up
didu Posted - 19 Dec 2007 : 19:32:52
Originally posted by jtarin

Originally posted by didu

@ jtarin: it appears for a very short moment when i can see the start label and then it disappears...
Any more ideas?

I asked if you could see it in the Task Manager...even after the label disappears?
What software did you install after DHE? Got to "ControlPanel>Software" and check the install dates...maybe you can narrow down your search for the offending program.

Yes and I wanted to say it appears in Task Manager...
hm I deleted every program that could cause my problem but it still doesn't work...[2 77:H]
jtarin Posted - 08 Dec 2007 : 11:39:26
Originally posted by didu

@ jtarin: it appears for a very short moment when i can see the start label and then it disappears...
Any more ideas?

I asked if you could see it in the Task Manager...even after the label disappears?
What software did you install after DHE? Got to "ControlPanel>Software" and check the install dates...maybe you can narrow down your search for the offending program.
joneq Posted - 29 Nov 2007 : 22:56:03
I think it sounds like a conflict--I had that prob once--was any of the software security related
didu Posted - 29 Nov 2007 : 19:00:27
I installed much software just before this problem happened, but I don't know which one is responsible for it.
@ s.dav: I had already tried it out, it didn't work.
@ jtarin: it appears for a very short moment when i can see the start label and then it disappears...
Any more ideas?
jtarin Posted - 23 Nov 2007 : 14:22:52
With D.H.E. installed and executed do you see it listed in the task manager?
s.dav Posted - 22 Nov 2007 : 09:22:40
Try to temporary disable your antivirus/firewall; maybe they interfere with the program and then execute D.H.E.
joneq Posted - 21 Nov 2007 : 23:45:40
did you install ANY new software just before it started happening
didu Posted - 21 Nov 2007 : 23:09:38
Thanks but it didn't work...
Does anyone have any idea???
mfg Didu
s.dav Posted - 16 Nov 2007 : 18:40:45
I suggest you to act as follows:
1- unistall the program
2- clean your registry using a program like "registry mechanic"
3- restart Windows and reinstall the program

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