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 Question regarding templates

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rmmarsh Posted - 26 Oct 2007 : 01:35:02
I assume you are familiar with the Microsoft Visual Web Developer? they make use of something called a Masterpage, which is kind-of like a template. It has a place for content from other pages, and the Masterpage is then merged with the other pages. However, this works only on a Windows Server.

My question is: is there an ability in the "paid" version to create your own templates? or does one use styles? (I'm not that familair with style sheets as of yet, and therefore don't know their full capabilities).
28   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
joneq Posted - 28 Nov 2007 : 18:23:11
demo creator is free again [non-commercial use}

No free technical support
No free upgrades to future versions
Strictly personal usage

Northwind Posted - 11 Nov 2007 : 21:26:14
I use Captivate from formerly Macromedia (now Adobe unfortunately)

Martin1 Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 12:18:12
I have tried loads of them and in the end only three were any good.

In order of quality:
Demo Builder (most expensive)
Flash Demo Builder (medium priced)
Wondershare (cheapest)

s.dav Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 10:30:06
I used WinK in the past, nice ;-)
joneq Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 20:18:40
The review of the software is below and it mentions a couple of freeware alternatives like wink and camtasiaia studio free---definitely not as good there is also a 16 minute review that mentions several paid alternatives.



Martin1 Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 15:51:37
Hello Davide,

Fot this I used http://www.wondershare.com/e-learning/demo-creator/demo-creator_overview.html of which I got a free copy here http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/.

There are many other programs for this type of work and I was looking for one but right at that moment this one came available for free.

I am dutch after all so a free version is always preferred[2 H:)].

I was planning of creating some examples for the newbies here but I thought I'd better wait until the new version 4 is out.

wolschch Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 15:28:17
Hi Davide,

Please..... you probably have seen this question alot! but please when can we expect the new version (will there be a new version at all)

Rgards, Ch
richinri Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 11:04:08
s.dav Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 09:07:47
Yes, this is the thing I meant ;-)
Martin, what program did you used for the small presentation?
jtarin Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 01:32:57
Originally posted by rmmarsh

I don't want to close the window... I just want to close one/all of the tabs without having to go to the File menu... oh well, I see this is going to be a losing battle... I'll save my energy for more serious matters! :D


Its only a losing battle if you surrender....before your overwhelmed.[2 :DD]
Martin1 Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 13:33:29
Is this what you mean?


s.dav Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 10:52:30
??? you haven't to go on the File menu to close a TAB!
rmmarsh Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 04:42:43
I don't want to close the window... I just want to close one/all of the tabs without having to go to the File menu... oh well, I see this is going to be a losing battle... I'll save my energy for more serious matters! :D

s.dav Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 09:01:46
Originally posted by rmmarsh
OK... then how about a shortcut to close and close all? or maybe a function key? It's really a pain to have to go to File -> Close, rather than one click with the mouse.

Why? Simply click on the top/right tabulator, there is a "X", just click it to close the active window
rmmarsh Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 15:48:37
"Toolbars are already full of icons ;-)"

OK... then how about a shortcut to close and close all? or maybe a function key? It's really a pain to have to go to File -> Close, rather than one click with the mouse.

Great program, and I'm looking forward to version 4.0
s.dav Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 08:38:39
The solution is like Petran says ;-)
petran Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 12:05:30
If you have selected the text for making the link, just change the text-attributes in whatever you like (underline, bold, color)
richinri Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 09:53:24
I have a feeling I am missing something simple. Here is my problem. I have a standard label with text in it. I put a link on some text. I can make an over style just fine or use an external class style, but you can't tell where the link is in the text because it is styled exactly like the other text. Do I have to edit the program style sheets every time I export to at least make the link underlined? So I am clear, I am speaking of the a:link style. The default in the label is to make it exactly like the rest of the text.
s.dav Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 08:49:57
I'm finishing the help and the new site then I'll release it ;-)
Toolbars are already full of icons ;-)
rmmarsh Posted - 28 Oct 2007 : 17:14:34
I understand... do you have a release date yet?

And, how about adding a couple of toolbar icons.. one for "close" and another for "close all"?
s.dav Posted - 28 Oct 2007 : 12:05:48
Sorry, the list will be posted when the program will be released because some others vendors are copying me :-(
Don't expect many new features but big features like the Graphical Canvas, a graphical image editor with integrated RollOver and RollClick ;-)
rmmarsh Posted - 27 Oct 2007 : 03:27:46
Where can we see a list of version 4.0 features? (how about posting them here, Davide?)
s.dav Posted - 26 Oct 2007 : 17:37:18
Version 4.0 will support Master-Pages and other nice features ;-)
Jan van Londen Posted - 26 Oct 2007 : 17:26:47
When exporting, D.H.E. makes stylesheets.
I believe one per page. I don't know what's going to be in the next version, but maybe there will be a possibility to make a stylesheet for the whole project.

Bye, Londen.
rmmarsh Posted - 26 Oct 2007 : 15:52:52
Thank you... that's what I was looking for... now, if you don't mind, one last question. How, using Dynamic HTML Editor, does one make a style sheet? It appears to me that what you described above would have the same effect as a style sheet... yes?
Jan van Londen Posted - 26 Oct 2007 : 15:46:10
In the left-sidebar in D.H.E. is a green button with a white arrow on it.
Use it and choose the option "Insert .D.H.E. file".

The D.H.E.-file you insert can be made outside the project. If you change it, alle the pages where you inserted it in will be changed after exporting.
rmmarsh Posted - 26 Oct 2007 : 15:24:36
Yes, that's it!... now, can you point me to a place (a sample maybe?) where I can see exactly "where" the template file was inserted? Sorry, but I'm new (2 hours) to the Dynamic HTML Editor. So far, I like it, but it's Help file leaves a little bit to be desired. :D
Jan van Londen Posted - 26 Oct 2007 : 15:13:09
Like this maybe? http://test.vanlonden.org/index.html

I made this as an example for the dutch users. The tekst "Stramien?Template?Sjabloon?" and the three black buttons are in a separate file. With the function "Insert .D.H.E. file" this file was inserted in the three pages that appear when you use the button's.

Bye, Londen.

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