Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniTooltipManager.SetTip Method

Permits you to programmatically set the tip value (and display it)

Public Sub SetTip (ByRef sTip As String, _
Optional ByRef lMaxWidth As Long = 300, _
Optional ByRef sTag As Variant, _
Optional ByRef XMax As Long = -1&, _
Optional ByRef YMax As Long = -1&, _
Optional ByRef bRightToLeft As Boolean = False)
Parameter Description
ByRef sTip As String The tip value
Optional ByRef lMaxWidth As Long = 300 The tip maxWidth (in pixels)
Optional ByRef sTag As Variant The tag associated with the tip (you can put what you want inside then read it using the GetTipTag function
Optional ByRef XMax As Long = -1& The maximum X coordinate for displaying the tip window
Optional ByRef YMax As Long = -1& The maximum Y coordinate for displaying the tip window
Optional ByRef bRightToLeft As Boolean = False