Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniRichTextBoxXP.MsgFilter Event

Permits you to completely manage every RichEdit message changing it if you want.
You need to enable the [RaiseMsgFilterEvent] flag in order to receive this event.

Public Event MsgFilter (ByVal hWnd As Long,
ByRef uMsg As Long,
ByRef wParam As Long,
ByRef lParam As Long,
ByRef bModify As Boolean)
Parameter Description
ByVal hWnd As Long The window handle that receive the message
ByRef uMsg As Long (IN/OUT) The message
ByRef wParam As Long (IN/OUT) The wParam value of the message
ByRef lParam As Long (IN/OUT) The lParam value of the message
ByRef bModify As Boolean (OUT) True for changing the message, False otherwise