Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlScroll Control

A styled scrollbar control (vertical and horizontal) that supports long offsets

Name Description
eCtlScrollLayout Layout Type
Name Description
Change Occurs when the value change
Scroll Occurs when one drags the selector
Name Type Description
BackColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the background color
BorderColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the border color of the control
ButtonColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the color of the selector
Enabled (Boolean) Enable or disable the control
hWnd (Long) Returns the Windows handle of the control
LargeChange (Long) Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks the scroll bar area.
Layout (eCtlScrollLayout) Gets or sets the layout type (vertical / horizontal)
Max (Long) Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting.
Min (Long) Returns/sets a scroll bar position's minimum Value property setting
RoundedBorders (Boolean) Gets or sets Rounded borders
SelectorStyle (eCtlButtonStyle) Gets or sets the button style of the selector
SmallChange (Long) Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks a scroll arrow.
Value (Long) Returns/sets the value of an object.
Name Type Description