Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsSystemMetrics Class

This is class that permits you to check the size of Windows objects, like the titlebar, buttons, scrollbars and so on

Name Description
eSystemMetrics The system metric or configuration setting to be retrieved
Check MSDN for details
Name Description
Name Type Description
Name Type Description
CursorHeight (Long) Returns the height of the cursor
CursorWidth (Long) Returns the width of the cursor
FrameHeight (Long) Returns the height of the frame window
FrameWidth (Long) Returns the width of the frame window
FullScreenHeight (Long) The height of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor
FullScreenWidth (Long) The width of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor
GetMetric (Long) Returns the given metric information
HScrollBmpHeight (Long) The height of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels
HScrollBmpWidth (Long) The width of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels
IconHeight (Long) The height of an icon
IconWidth (Long) The width of an icon
MenuBarHeight (Long) The height of a menu bar
MonitorsCount (Long) Returns the number of monitors
MouseButtons (Long) Returns the number of mouse buttons
MousePresent (Boolean) Returns True if a mouse is present
MouseSwapButtons (Boolean) Returns True if the mouse is swapping buttons
MouseWheelPresent (Boolean) Returns True if the mouse has a wheel available
NetworkPresent (Boolean) Returns True if a network is present
ScreenHeight (Long) The height of the screen of the primary display monitor
ScreenWidth (Long) The width of the screen of the primary display monitor
SmallIconHeight (Long) The height of a small icon
SmallIconWidth (Long) The width of a small icon
SmallTitleBarHeight (Long) The height of a small caption, in pixels
TitleBarButtonHeight (Long) The height of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels
TitleBarButtonWidth (Long) The width of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels
TitleBarHeight (Long) The height of a window titlebar
TitleBarSmallButtonHeight (Long) The height of small caption buttons, in pixels
TitleBarSmallButtonWidth (Long) The width of small caption buttons, in pixels
VirtualScreensHeight (Long) The height of the virtual screen, in pixels. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN metric is the coordinates for the top of the virtual screen.
VirtualScreensLeft (Long) The coordinates for the left side of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN metric is the width of the virtual screen.
VirtualScreensTop (Long) The coordinates for the top of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN metric is the height of the virtual screen.
VirtualScreensWidth (Long) The width of the virtual screen, in pixels. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN metric is the coordinates for the left side of the virtual screen.
VScrollBmpHeight (Long) The height of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar, in pixels
VScrollBmpWidth (Long) The width of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar, in pixels
WindowBorderHeight (Long) Returns the Y size of the windows borders
WindowBorderWidth (Long) Returns the X size of the windows borders
WindowMinHeight (Long) The minimum height of a window
WindowMinWidth (Long) The minimum width of a window
WorkScreenBottom (Long) The coords of the working area
WorkScreenHeight (Long) The height of the working area
WorkScreenLeft (Long) The coords of the working area
WorkScreenRight (Long) The coords of the working area
WorkScreenTop (Long) The coords of the working area
WorkScreenWidth (Long) The width of the working area