Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsSearchFilesAL.SearchFilePatternPathNoPatternAL Function

Searches for files matching a certain pattern into the passed folder and subfolders; the pattern is only applied on files
Returns a cArrayList of [clsSearchFilesFInfo] objects

Public Function SearchFilePatternPathNoPatternAL (ByVal sPathPattern As String, _
Optional ByVal iSearchWhat As eSearchFilesWhat = esfw_all, _
Optional ByVal bRecurseSubDirs As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bAsync As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bReturnThisAndBaseDirs As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal lMaxResults As Long = -1&) As cArrayList
Parameter Description
ByVal sPathPattern As String The path with pattern (ex: c:\*.*)
Optional ByVal iSearchWhat As eSearchFilesWhat = esfw_all The search flag
Optional ByVal bRecurseSubDirs As Boolean = False Should the function recurse on sub-folders?
Optional ByVal bAsync As Boolean = False Executes the function in asynchronous mode; in this case use the [IsSearching] method for checking when the function has finished and use the [StopSearch] method to stop the search
Optional ByVal bReturnThisAndBaseDirs As Boolean = False If True returns the "." and ".." folders as a part of the returned list of objects
Optional ByVal lMaxResults As Long = -1& If specified, returns a maximum of lMaxResults objects