Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsScreens Class

This class contains functions that will pemit you to read information about Dual-Monitor or Multi-Monitor systems. You'll be able to read info for every monitor attached to a PC.

Name Description
Name Description
Name Type Description
Name Type Description
GetMonitorHandleFromPoint (Long) Returns the handle of the monitor from a given point; returns 0 if the monitor has not been found
GetMonitorHandleFromRect (Long) Returns the handle of the monitor from a given rectangle; returns 0 if the monitor has not been found
GetMonitorHandleFromWindow (Long) Returns the handle of the monitor that contains the specified window; returns 0 if the monitor has not been found
Height (Long) The height of the specified monitor
HeightPriMon (Long) Returns the height of the primary monitor
IsPrimaryMon (Boolean) Checks if the passed monitor is the primary one
Left (Long) Returns the Left position of a certain monitor
Top (Long) Returns the Top position of a certain monitor
VirtualHeight (Long) Returns the Total height size of all monitors
VirtualLeft (Long) Returns the Virtual Left position of all monitors
VirtualTop (Long) Returns the Virtual Top position of all monitors
VirtualWidth (Long) Returns the Total width size of all monitors
Width (Long) The width of the specified monitor
WidthPriMon (Long) Returns the width of the primary monitor
WorkHeight (Long) Returns the working height of the specified monitor
WorkLeft (Long) Returns the Working Left position of the specified monitor
WorkTop (Long) Returns the Working Top position of the specified monitor
WorkWidth (Long) Returns the working width of the specified monitor
Works starting on Windows 98/2000, not supported in Windows 95/NT4